5 36/Maryland Manual
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio;
Elvin D. Thomas, Administrator.
Roads Engineer
Charles Weber
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio
Liquor Control Board
Charles Payne, 1984; Earl Abey, 1986; C.
Rutledge Turner, 1987.
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Earl Abey, Chairperson; George Aaron;
George McNaughton; Benjamin Parks; Louis
Sears, Jr.
Oystermen's Dredgers Advisory Committee
William Todd, Chairperson
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
L. Ronald Wade, County Director; Constance
M. Barnett; Delores L. Dixon; Betsy Gal-
lagher; Donald M. Schwartz; Barbara T.
Spencer; Donald Webster.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
S. Herbert Asplen (County appointee), Chair-
person; Johnson T. Shufelt, 1985; Dennis A.
Reid, 1986; Calvin Malkus, 1987; G. Steele
Phillips, 1989; L. Ronald Wade, Extension
Agent, Secretary (non-voting). Eugene L.
Skinner, District Conservationist; Cynthia Sla-
cum. District Manager.
County Seat: Frederick 21701
Origin: Created by Chapter 15, Acts of 1748, from
Baltimore and Prince George's counties.
Name: Probably named after Frederick Calvert
(1731-1771), sixth and last Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Frederick County Code, 1979
Area: 667.32 sq. miles (662.72 land, 4.60 water)
Population. 1900: 51,920; 1950: 62,287; 1960:
71,930; 1970: 84,927; 1980: 114,792.
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census):
Frederick (28,086), Brunswick (4,572),
Thurmont (2,934), Walkersville (2,212)
Principal Unincorporated Places (1980 census):
Green Valley (4,504), Braddock Heights (4,223),
Discovery (2,328)
Voter Registration, Oct. 8, 1984. Democrat:
29,550; Republican: 21,847; Other Parties: 7;
Decline to Affiliate: 5,449; Total: 56,853.
Per Capita Income (1980): $7,799
State Parks: Cunningham Falls (4,942 acres),
Gambrill (1,136 acres), Gathland (135 acres),
Greenbrier (1,274 acres)
Colleges/Universities: Frederick Community
College, Frederick; Hood College, Frederick;
Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg
Museums/Historical Societies: Historical Society
of Frederick County, 24 E. Church St.,
Frederick 21701
Frederick 21701
Circuit and District Courts: 694-2018
Court Terms:
Circuit Court-Grand Jury and Petit Jury, first
Monday in February and second Monday in
Orphans' Court Days—Mondays and
Wednesdays, 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
Samuel W. Barrick, Chief Judge, 1985; Wil-
liam W. Wenner, 1997.