Permanent Board of Registry
Peggy R. Ruaek; Barbara G. Spicer.
Public Safety
Emergency Management and Civil Defense
Otto B. Cheesman, Director
Deputy Medical Examiner
John Mace, Jr., M.D.
Board of Health
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio
Health Department
Eugene H. Guthrie, M.D., Health Officer; E.
Wayne Asplen, Environmental Health Direc-
Mental Health Advisory Committee
James Michael, Chairperson
Drug Abuse Advisory Council
Harry SadofT, Chairperson
Board of Education
Mary Holecheck, President, 1989; Rufus M.
Todd, 1985; Kathleen H. Wise, 1985; Her-
schel Johnson, 1986; Russell Brinsfield, 1987;
Dr. Jay G. Harper, 1988.
Superintendent of Schools
William J. Gotten
Chesapeake College Board of Trustees—
Dorchester County members
Dewey E. Blades, 1987.
Board of Library Trustees
Dr. Peter Van Huizen, President, 1985; John
H. Barber, 1985; Barbara Chinery, 1985;
Betty Bright Nelson, 1985; Art Renkwitz,
1985; Paul N Winn, Jr., 1985; Hubert
Applegarth, 1986; Bertie Conway, 1986;
Dorothy Jackson, 1986; Marlene Feldman,
1987; Eleanor Harrington, 1987; Ray Moore,
1987; Alda Meyers, 1987.
John Hammond, Director
Social Services
Social Services Board
Paul Phillips, Chairperson, 1986; Donna Cot-
ton, 1985; Rev. Edwin Ellis, 1985; John
Dorchester County/535
Marshall, 1985; Robert Briggs, 1986; Mary
Famell, 1986; Clare Hughes, 1987; Nancy
Spicer, 1987; Philip G. D'Adamo, County
Director of Social Services
Jeanne Cook
Foster Care Review Board
Ardyth D. Coleman, 1985; Wendell C. Trav-
ers, 1985; Elizabeth Donoho, 1987; Gail
Elliott, 1987; William Kunsman, 1987; Glyn-
don B. Looff, 1987; Joyce Opher, 1987.
Disabled Persons Review Board
Madeline Kramer, Chairperson
Children's Council
Susan Bishop, Chairperson
Commission on the Aging
James Michael, Chairperson
Human Resources Commission
James Michael, Director
Board of Recreation & Parks
Harold E. Carr, Jr., Director
Planning and Building
Planning & Zoning Commission
Michael DuBuque, Chairperson, 1988; Hubert
Applegarth, 1986; Harold Eskridge, 1986;
James Handley, 1987; Edward Watkins,
1987; T. Sewell Hubbert, 1988; Linda Nabb,
County Planner, Executive Secretary.
Board of Appeals
Warren McWilliams, Chairperson, 1984;
Harry Heckler, 1985; Everett Simmons, Jr.,
1985; Ernest Suhr, 1985; James R. Jones III,
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
G. Steele Phillips, Chairperson, 1987; Golds-
borough James, 1984; Jean Outten, 1984;
Russell Stevens, 1984; Milton Malkus, 1987.
District Forestry Board
G. Steele Phillips, Chairperson; Lowell Bes-
ley; Balvin Brinsfield; Jefferson Creighton;
George Radcliffe, Jr.; Thomas 0. Tyier III.
Sanitary Commission
D. James Herbert, Chairperson, 1990; Glen
Robinson, 1986; Betty Ann Handley, 1988;
dark Long, 1988; Ray Moore, 1984.