96/Maryland Manual
JAMES W. CAMPBELL, Democrat, District 42. Born in Baltimore City, March 14,
1947. Attended Sevema Park High School; University of Baltimore, B.A., 1969; Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Social Work, MSW, 1976. Social Worker. Active in
community affairs; president, Hampden-Woodberry Community Council, 1974, 1975,
1978. Author of articles in Baltimore Magazine on the elderly, community organiza-
tions in Baltimore, and zero base budgeting. Member of the House of Delegates since
1979; member. Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee. District office: 848
W. 36th St., Baltimore 21211; tel. 243-1942. Annapolis office: 320 Lowe Bldg., 21401;
tel. 841-3297.
THOMAS W. CHAMBERLAIN, SR., Republican, District 10. Born in Oak Park,
Illinois, June 12, 1923. Attended Springfield, Illinois, parochial schools; Springfield
Junior College; George Washington University; University of Illinois, B.S.. 1950.
Retired Kaiser Aluminum, 28 years. World War II veteran. Member, Kappa Sigma
Fraternity. Pinevalley-Valleywood Community Association. Board member, Reisters-
town-Owings Mills, Glyndon Chamber of Commerce; Baltimore County Chamber of
Commerce; American Association of Retired Persons; National Eagle Scout Associa-
tion. Board member and former president, Lutherville-Timonium Recreation Council;
Boy Scout Governor of Illinois, 1939. Married; 3 children. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1975; member, Environmental Matters Committee. District office: 307
Galway Rd., Tunonium 21093; tel. 252-0543. Annapolis office: 309 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3350.
JOEL CHASNOFF, Democrat, District 14A. Born in Uncasville, Connecticut, July
18, 1936. University of Connecticut, B.A., 1957; Georgetown University Law Center,
J.D., 1964. Admitted to District of Columbia Bar, 1965, and to Maryland Bar, 1970.
Intelligence officer, U.S. Army Security Agency, 1958-1961; special projects officer,
U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1961-1965; trial and appellate attorney. Office of the
Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, 1965-1969. Member, Maryland State, Montgom-
ery County, and District of Columbia Bar Associations. Member, Judiciary Commit-
tee; Governor's Commission on Condominiums, Cooperatives, and Homeowners' As-
sociations; Medical Malpractice Task Force; Special Joint Committee on Mental
Health Laws; chairman, Board of Directors, Montgomery General Hospital. Former
president. Tamarack Triangle Civic Association; president, William Tyier Page PTA;
board member. Committee for Public Schools, Montgomery Muscular Dystrophy As-
sociation, 3-C and 14-A Democratic Clubs; former board member and counsel to Na-
tional Health Lawyers Association. Married; 3 children. Member of the House of Del-
egates since 1975; member. Judiciary Committee. District office; 210 Oiney Bldg.,
17904 Georgia Ave., Oiney 20832; tel. 924-4200. Annapolis office: 226 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 858-3052, 841-3052.
WILLIAM A. CLARK, Republican, District 35A. Born in Havre de Grace, March 4,
1958. Attended Bel Air High School; Harford Community College. President, Iron-
Clad Structures; vice-president, Clark Sales and Service. Member, Bel Air Rotary
Club; Forest Hill Flying Club. Married. Member of House of Delegates since 1983;
member, Environmental Matters Committee. District office: 2523 Bradfield Rd., Bel
Air 21014; tel. 838-9433. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3289.