WILLIAM J. BURGESS, Democrat, District 8. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Au-
gust 11, 1923. Attended Boston public schools; The Johns Hopkins University. Served
in the U.S. Army Air Corp and U.S. Navy; received Air Medal, Distinguished Flying
Cross. Former member. State Commission on Assessment Problems; Baltimore Coun-
ty Task Force on Governmental Financing. Former president, Hillbrook-Camelot Im-
provement Association; Greater Rosedale Community Council. Married; 3 children.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1979; member, Ways and Means Committee.
District office: 8215 Edwill Ave., Rosedale 21237; tel. 866-6547. Annapolis office: 307
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3365.
SUSAN R. BUSWELL, Democrat, District 13B. Born in Denver, Colorado, Septem-
ber 13, 1935. Attended Glenbard High School, Glen Ellyn, Illinois; Carleton College,
Northfield, Minnesota, B.A., 1957; University of Copenhagen, 1957-1958. Chairman,
Howard County Board of Education, 1979-1981 (member, 1973-1983). Member, Ad-
visory Education Committee, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act, 1981-
1983; Task Force to Study State-Local Fiscal Relationships, 1979-1981. Executive As-
sistant to the president, Maryland Association of Elementary School Administrators,
1981-1983; president, Maryland Association of Boards of Education, 1979-1980.
Honorary member. Delta Kappa Gamma; member, Howard County League of Wom-
en Voters. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983; mem-
ber, Appropriations Committee. District office: 6053 Old Lawyers Hill Rd., Elkridge
21227; tel. 796-5386. Annapolis office: 219 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3205.
WILLIAM B. BYRNES, Democrat, District IB. Born in Eckhart Mines. Attended
Allegany County parochial and public schools; graduate, Frostburg State Teachers'
College. Employed by Motor Vehicle Administration. District sales manager, W. K.
Kellogg Co. Former teacher. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Member,
Elks; Eagles; American Legion. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates since
1971; member, Judiciary Committee. District office: P. 0. Box 77, Eckhart Mines
21528; tel. 689-5151. Annapolis office: 430 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3454.
DR. PETER G. CALLAS, Democrat, District 2B. Born in Hagerstown, Md., Febru-
ary 15, 1926. Attended Hagerstown High School; Western Maryland College, B.A.,
1949, M.Ed., 1955; University of Stockholm, Sweden, diploma, 1950; Columbia Uni-
versity; The George Washington University, Ed.D., 1972. Retired school administra-
tor; adjunct professor at The George Washington University, West Virginia Universi-
ty, Hagerstown Junior College, and Western Maryland College. Served in the U.S.
Navy in World War II, Southwest Pacific, 1944-1946; Korean Campaign, 1951-1952.
Member, Board of Education of Washington County, 1978-1982; Maryland State
School Bus Formula Committee, 1979-1981. Served as education consultant in Nige-
ria, 1965-1967; president, Selective Service Board, 1975. Life member, PTA of Mary-
land; chairman, Public Relations Committee, United Way; president, Washington
County Retired Teachers Association, 1982-1984; trustee, Maryland Council on Eco-
nomic Education. Member, Chamber of Commerce; NAACP; VFW; American Le-
gion; American Veterans; Loyal Order of Moose. Board of Directors, Big Brothers,
Heart Association, Cancer Society. Past president. Health Systems Agency of Western
Maryland. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983; member. Constitu-
tional and Administrative Law Committee. District office: 35 Day View Dr., Hagers-
town 21740; tel. 739-9155. Annapolis office: 423 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3450.