RICHARD F. COLBURN, Republican, District 37. Born in Easton, February 9,
1950. Attended Easton High School; Chesapeake College, A.A., 1982. U.S. Army Se-
curity Agency, sergeant, 1969-1972; top secret clearance; good conduct medal. Dor-
chester County Republican State Central Committee, 1979-1982; chairman, Dorches-
ter County Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped. 1981. Member,
American Legion; Cambridge Rescue Fire Company; Cambridge Jaycees; United
Food and Commercial Workers Union; Zion United Methodist Church; Elks. Chesa-
peake College Social Science Award, 1980; Eastern Community College Social Science
Award, 1981; listed in Outstanding Young Men of America, 1981. Married; 1 daugh-
ter. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983; member, Constitutional and Ad-
ministrative Law Committee. District office: RFD 1, Box 140A (Egypt Road), Cam-
bridge 21613; tel. 476-3762. Annapolis office: 414 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3429.
MICHAEL J. COLLINS, Democrat, District 6. Bom in Scranton, Pennsylvania, July
24, 1940. Attended Scranton Central High School; University of Scranton, B.S., 1962;
The Johns Hopkins University, M.L.A., 1966; Essex Community College; Loyola Col-
lege. Educator. Member, Teachers Association of Baltimore County; Maryland State
Teachers Association; National Education Association; Essex-Middle River Chamber
of Commerce; Bird River Democratic and Civic Club; Eastern Baltimore County
Democratic and Civic Club; Mid-District Democratic and Civic Club; Fifth District
Democratic Club; Deep Creek Democratic Club and Civic Association; Norris Demo-
cratic Club; Essex Improvement Association, Inc. Past president, St. Clare's Parish
Council. Outstanding Contributions to Education, Teachers Association of Baltimore
County, 1975. Unmarried. ^Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Member,
Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee. District office: 418 Eastern Blvd.,
Baltimore 21221; tel. 391-7800. Annapolis office: 303 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
R. TERRY CONNELLY, Democrat, District 6. Bom in Baltimore, January 28, 1946.
Attended Kenwood Senior High School; McAllister Institute of Mortuary Sciences.
Funeral Director, L.E.F.D. Served in the Maryland Air National Guard. Democratic
State Central Committee (finance chairman, 1974-1978). Member, Democratic Club
of Essex; Eastern Baltimore County Democratic and Civic Club; American Legion.
Charter member. Exchange Club of Essex; manager, Essex Little League Baseball
Club. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Member,
Economic Matters Committee; Subcommittee on Banking; chairman, Baltimore Coun-
ty Delegation Committee on Bill Analysis. District office: 418 Eastern Blvd.,
Baltimore 21221; tel. 391-7800. Annapolis office: 303 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
GENE W. COUNIHAN, Democrat, District 15. Born in Cumberland, February 6,
1941. Attended Fort Hill High School, Cumberland; Frostburg State College, B.S.,
1963; American University, M.Ed., 1970. Educator; assistant principal, Bethesda-
Chevy Chase High School. Member, Montgomery County Democratic Central Com-
mittee, 1978-1982; president, Montgomery Village/Gaithersburg Democratic Club,
1980-1982, president, Montgomery Village Foundation Board of Directors, 1979-
1980; president, Seneca Valley High School/Community Organization, 1981-1982;
consultant-trainer. Center for Creative Communications, 1971-1974; youth program
director, YMCA, 1968-1970. Associate professor/instructor (part-time), American
University, University of Maryland, and Federal City College, 1967-1973. Member,
Phi Delta Kappa; National Education Association; Maryland State Teachers Associa-
tion; Montgomery County Education Association. Married; 5 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1983; member, Economic Matters Committee. District of-
fice: 9901 Dellcastle Rd., Gaithersburg 20879; tel. 977-5045. Annapolis office: 220
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3090.