BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Democrat, District 42. Born in Baltimore, Oc-
tober 5, 1943. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of Pitts-
burgh, B.A. cum laude, 1964; University of Maryland School of Law,
LL.B., 1967 (first in class). Practicing attorney in Baltimore City since
1967. Member of House of Delegates since 1967. Speaker of the House of
Delegates, 1979—. Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, 1974-1978.
Co-chairman, Legislative Policy Committee. Vice-chairman, Commission
to Revise the Annotated Code of Maryland. Member, Governor's Com-
mission on Domestic Relations Laws; Joint Ethics Committee; Rules and
Executive Nominations Committee. Appointed to Presidential Advisory
Committee on Federalism in 1981. Member of Executive Committee, Na-
tional Conference of State Legislatures and Democratic State Legislative
Leaders Caucus. Chairman of State-Local Task Force and Fiscal Affairs
Committee (NCSL). Served as Chairman of State Federal Assembly
(NCSL). Member, Governor's Advisory Commission on Reapportionment
and Redistricting, 1981-1982; Governor's Commission for Educational
Funding, 1977-1978. Received Hadassah Award; Dr. Herman Seidel Hu-
manitarian Award; Histadrut; B'nai B'rith Menorah Lodge Award; Save-
A-Heart Humanitarian Award; William Stroble Thomas Award for
Highest Academic Achievement at the University of Maryland School of
Law. Author of "Revenue Reallocation in the Federal System," American
Federalism, (1982); "The Need for State Tax Reform," The University of
Maryland Law Forum, (1976); "The Maryland County Property Tax - A
Need for Reform," University a/Baltimore Law Review, (1973). Trustee,
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore Foreign Relations Council; associate
vice-chairman, Israel Bonds - New Leadership Division; past director. As-
sociated Jewish Charities and Welfare Fund; board member, Cheswolde
Neighborhood Association; Board of Trustees, University of Maryland
Alumni Association-International. Married (Myrna Edelman); 2 children.
Speaker's Office, State House, Annapolis 21401; tel. 841-3800.
MARY B. ADAMS, Democrat, District 40. Attended nBaltimore City public schools;
Morgan State College, B.A. in education, 1950; New York University, M.A., in
school administration, 1955; University of Detroit, doctoral credits in corporate man-
agement and women as executives, and doctoral credits in public relations and mar-
keting. Educator. Public information director to Baltimore City Mayor D'Alesandro,
1970. Member, Baltimore City Council, 1971-1974. Member, Governing Board, Cen-
tral Maryland Health Systems Agency; Board of Directors, Lutheran Hospital; Board
of Directors, Chesapeake Regional Red Cross Division; Board of Directors, United
Christian Citizens, Inc.; Board of Directors, COPE '83 (Committee on Political Equal-
ity). President, Greenlawn Neighborhood Association; vice-chairperson. Board of Di-
rectors, Constant Care Health Center; vice-chairperson. Community Advisory Council
of Lutheran Hospital. Member, First Baptist Church, Baltimore. Received numerous
distinguished community service awards. Hosted weekly radio interview program,
"Neighborhood Clinic: Making Baltimore a Better Place to Live," 1970-1976. Mem-
ber of the House of Delegates since 1983; member. Judiciary Committee. District of-
fice: 2414 W. Lafayette Ave., Baltimore 21216; tel. 945-7127. Annapolis office: 317
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3280.
ARTHUR S. ALPERSTEIN, Democrat, District 11. Born in Baltimore City, October
19, 1940. Attended Baltimore public schools; Western Maryland College, B.A., 1962;
University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1965. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1967. Served as a captain in the U.S. Army Military Police Corps. Member, Demo-
cratic State Central Committee, Baltimore County, 1970-1972. Member, Maryland
Highway Safety Coordinating Council; Baltimore County General Hospital Board of
Trustees, Deans Advisory Council on Teacher Education at Towson University; Jew-
ish War Veterans; ZOA; American Judicature Society; National Society of State Leg-
islators; American, Maryland State, Baltimore City and Baltimore County Bar Associ-
ations; National Defense Attorney's Association. Past president, Randallstown
Jaycees. Board of Directors, Save-A-Heart Foundation; Safety First Club of Mary-
land; Jewish National Fund; Northwest Community Mental Health Center; Baltimore
County Senior Citizens Employment Advisory Board; First Step Youth Service. For-
mer assistant state's attorney for Baltimore City; former committing magistrate,
Baltimore County. Recipient of numerous civic awards and citations. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1972. Vice-chairman, Judiciary Committee, 1983—(member
since 1972); deputy majority whip. Chairman, Subcommittee on Motor Vehicle Laws;
chairman, Baltimore County Delegation 1979-1982. District office: tel. 685-0990. An-
napolis office: 310 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3342.