92/Maryland Manual
CURT ANDERSON, Democrat, District 44. Bom in Chicago, Illinois, October 12,
1949. Attended Baltimore City College; Rutgers; Morgan, B.A., 1974; University of
Baltimore School of Law. Broadcast journalist. Member, Board of Trustees, Provident
Hospital; American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 1974—; Baltimore
Urban Leaugue; NAACP. Single parent with 2 children, Curtis lan, age 4, and
Ambre Michelle, age 6. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983; member, Ways
and Means Committee. District office: 1664 Northgate Road. Baltimore 21218; tel.
323-6425. Annapolis office: 314 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3257.
DALE ANDERSON, Democrat, District 8. Born in Metropolis, Illinois, November 9,
1916. Attended Metropolis City High School; Mount Vernon Law School, LL.B.,
J.D., 1963. Served in the U.S. Air Force, 1942-1946, with rank of captain. Real estate
broker; home builder. Democratic National Committeeman for Maryland for four
years; Baltimore County Councilman, 1958-1966; Baltimore County Executive, 1966-
1974. Overlea Post 130, American Legion. Married; 2 children, 3 grandsons. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1983; member, Constitutional and Administrative
Law Committee. District office: 100 Belhaven Terrace, Baltimore 21236; tel. 661-4434.
Annapolis office: 307 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3365.
JOHN S. ARNICK, Democrat, District 7. Born in Baltimore, November 27, 1933.
Attended Baltimore County schools; Calvert Hall School; University of Baltimore,
B.S., 1956; University of Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1961. Admitted to the Mary-
land Bar, 1961. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1956-1959. Baltimore County Mag-
istrate at Large, 1966-1967. Member, Maryland and Baltimore County Bar Associa-
tions; Moose; Sons of Italy. Member of the House of Delegates 1967-1979, and since
1983; member, Economic Matters Committee. House chairperson, Administrative, Ex-
ecutive and Legislative Review Committee. Former chairperson, Baltimore County
delegation; majority leader, 1971-1979; chairperson. Environmental Matters Commit-
tee, 1972-1979; and member. Legislative Policy Committee. District office: tel.
288-2900. Annapolis office: 428 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3464.
JOHN M. ASHLEY, Democrat, District 36. Bom in Centreville, August 24, 1928.
Attended Centreville High School. Served in the National Guard, rank of sergeant
first class, nine years. Self employed fanner and real estate broker. County commis-
sioner, Queen Anne's County, 1970-1978; Queen Anne's County Roads Board, 1970-
1978. Member, Chesapeake Ruritan Club; Moose Lodge #831; Rock Hall Yacht
Club; Kent Island Yacht Club; Queen Anne*s County Sportsman Club; Queen Anne's
County Historical Society; Kent Island Heritage Society. Married; 6 children. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1983; member, Appropriations Committee. District
office: Route 1, Box 249-0, Centreville 21617; tel. 758-0178. Annapolis office: 405
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3410.