90/Maryland Manual
EDWARD P. THOMAS, Republican, District 3. Bora in Frederick, August 3, 1928.
Attended Frederick public schools; Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, Academy; Washington
and Lee University, B.A., 1950. Businessman. Served in the U.S. Army, 1950-1952.
Chairman, Republican State Central Committee of Maryland, 1973-1974. Chairman,
Frederick County Republican State Central Committee, 1966-1970. Member, Freder-
ick Eagles; Lions; Frederick Catoctin Club; Frederick Touchdown Club. Secretary-
treasurer, Maryland State BPA; chairman, BPAA Legislative Committee. Member,
Frederick Cotillion Club; Frederick County Farm Bureau; Loyal Order of Moose;
B.P.O. Elks; American Legion; AMVETS; V.F.W.; Board of Visitors, Maryland
School for the Deaf. Married; four children. Member of the Senate since 1971. Minor-
ity Whip, 1982; Minority Leader, 1983—. Served on Judicial Proceedings Committee;
Economic Affairs Committee; Joint Committee on Corrections; Executive Nomina-
tions Committee; Protocol Committee; numerous gubernatorial commissions and task
forces. District office: 10 W. College Terr., Frederick 21701; tel. 662-0713. Annapolis
office: 410 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3575.
MICHAEL J. WAGNER, Democrat, District 32. Born in Baltimore, October 20,
1941. Attended Glen Bumie Senior High; University of Baltimore, A.A., 1966. Presi-
dent, H & M Wagner & Sons, Inc. (food and restaurant supplies). Justice of the
peace, Anne Arundel County, 1963-1964; committing magistrate, Anne Arundel
County, 1965-1966. Member, Masons; Elks; Moose; Linthicum-Femdale Youth Ath-
letic Association; Greater Ferndale Improvement Association; Ferndale-Linthicum
Area Community Council (organizer and founder, 1975); Andover Sport Boosters;
Glen Bumie Chamber of Commerce; Anne Arundel Trade Council; Wagner Baseball,
Inc. (founder and Board of Directors, 1977—). Voted Outstanding Young Man,
1975, Glen Burnie Jaycees. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates,
1975-1977. Member of the Senate, 1977-1979 and since 1983. Member, Judicial Pro-
ceedings Committee, District office: 241 Wicklow Ave., Glen Burnie 21061; tel.
761-6335. Annapolis office: 314 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3593.
GERALD W. WINEGRAD, Democrat, District 30. Born in Baltimore, September 9,
1944. Western Maryland College, B.A., 1966; University of Maryland Law School,
J.D., 1969. Attorney. Counsel to the National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C.,
1969-1970. U.S. Navy Judge Advocate's General Corps, 1970-1974, Military Judge.
Commander in Naval Reserve. Member, Annapolis Optimist Club; Fleet Reserve As-
sociation #24; American Legion Post 226; Military Order of World Wars; State Wa-
ter Quality Advisory Committee; State Development Task Force; South County,
Eastport, and Greater Annapolis Democratic Clubs. Selected Outstanding Young
Annapolitan, 1976; Conservation Legislator of the Year 1981 by the Maryland Wild-
life Federation; Legislator of the Year 1982 by Solar Action of Maryland; Legislator
of the Year 1981 by the Anne Arundel County Psychological Assn.; cited for legisla-
tive work by Maryland Recreation and Parks Assn., 1980. Married; 3 daughters.
Member of the House of Delegates, 1978-1983. Member of the Senate since 1983.
Member, Constitutional and Public Law Committee. District and Annapolis office:
401 James Bldg., Annapolis 21401; tel. 841-3578.
THOMAS M. YEAGER, Democrat, District 13. Born September 27, 1936. Universi-
ty of Maryland, B.S.E.E., 1963; American University, M.B.A., 1969. District sales
manager, Hewlett Packard. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1954-1957. Member, Howard
County Council, 1974-1982. Past president. University of Maryland Howard County
Alumni Association. Member, Clarksville Lions; Howard County Striders; Howard
County Bee Keepers Association; Terrapin Club; American Legion Post 60, Laurel.
Married; 2 children. Member of the Senate since 1983. Member, Judicial Proceedings
Committee. District office: 7437 Cherry Tree Dr., Pulton 20759; tel. 725-6957. An-
napolis office: 404 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3572.