S. FRANK SHORE, Democrat, District 17. Born in Washington, D.C., December 3,
1935. Attended Washington, D.C., parochial and public schools; Southeastern Univer-
sity; Pennsylvania State University; American University Labor Studies Institute. Over
twenty years employment with The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company and
member of Communications Workers of America. Served in Fourth Armored Divi-
sion, U.S. Army. Member, Men's Guild and Health Planning Committee, Holy Cross
Hospital, Silver Spring; Board of Directors? St. Luke's House, Inc.; Board of Direc-
tors, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington. Member, Elks; Moose; American
Legion; Adult Scout of Boy Scouts of America; Knights of Columbus; honorary life
membership in Eagles. St. Jude's Church and choir member. Married. Former mem-
ber, Southern Legislative Conference (vice-chairman of Human Resources and Urban
Affairs Committee). Member, House of Delegates, 1971-1978. Member of the Senate
since 1978. Member, Constitutional and Public Law Committee (acting vice-chairman,
Oct. 1982-Jan. 1983). Member, Special Joint Committee on Energy. Annapolis office:
305 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3134, D.C. area 858-3134.
JAMES C. SIMPSON, Democrat, District 28. Born in Washington, D.C., May 14,
1931. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools. President of distribution company.
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1951-1954. Chairman, Charles County Sanitary
Commission, 1967-1970; president. Board of County Commissioners of Charles Coun-
ty, 1970-1974. Past president, Waldorf Lions Club. Past deputy district governor,
Lions Club. Honorary member, Waldorf Jaycees. Member, American Legion; Knights
of Columbus; Elks; Izaak Walton League; Charles County Chamber of Commerce. Se-
lected Citizen pf the Year by Waldorf Lions Club, 1974. Director, Maryland Bank &
Trust Company and Maryland Capital Savings & Loan Association. Married- Mem-
ber of the Senate since 1975. Member, Economic Affairs Committee; Chesapeake Bay
Commission. District office: P.O. Box 888, Waldorf 20601; tel. 645-2235. Annapolis
office: 316 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3616.
CHARLES H. SMELSER, Democrat, District 4. Bom in Uniontown, Carroll Coun-
ty, July 4, 1920. Attended Carroll County public schools; University of Maryland,
B.S., 1942. Dairy fanner and real estate broker. Served with the U.S. Air Force in
World War II. Member, Frederick County Farm Bureau. Past president, Capitol Milk
Producers Cooperative, Inc. President, New Windsor State Bank. Past president,
Libertytown-Unionville Lions Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates,
1955-1963. Member of the Senate since 1967. Member, Budget and Taxation Com-
mittee. Annapolis office: 100 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3704.
NORMAN R. STONE, JR., Democrat, District 7. Born in Baltimore, September 8,
1935. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of Baltimore; University of
Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1960. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1960. Member,
Governor's Study Commission on Workmen's Compensation Laws. Past president,
North Point Improvement Association; past president St. Luke's Holy Name Society;
Advocate Beth Council Knights of Columbus. Member, Moose; North Point Peninsu-
la Community Coordinating Council. Member of House of Delegates, 1963-1967.
Member of Senate since 1967. Chairman, Constitutional and Public Law Committee,
1983—; vice-chairman, 1975-1982. Former chairman and vice-chairman, AELR
Committee. Chairman, Baltimore County Senate Delegation, 1968-1972. District of-
fice: 6905 Dunmanway, Baltimore 21222; tel. 288-5270. Annapolis office: 402 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3587.