88/Maryland Manual
JOHN A. PICA, JR., Democrat, District 43. 307 E. Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore
21212. Graduate of Mount Saint Joseph High School and Villanova University, B.A.
(Deans List, Varsity Lacrosse); attended Johns Hopkins University and Loyola Col-
lege, M.B.A.; graduate of University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1975. Practic-
ing attorney with a Baltimore law firm. Member, Maryland State Bar Association.
Chosen "Outstanding Young Men of America, 1981" by National Jaycees. Married to
the former Jeanne McNicholas; two daughters, Mary Lacy (3) and Hollis Bradley (1).
Member of the House of Delegates, 1979-1982. Member of the Senate since 1983; Ju-
dicial Proceedings Committee. Annapolis office; 302 James Bldg,, 21401; tel.
DENNIS F. RASMUSSEN, Democrat, District 6. Born in Essex, June 14, 1947.
Attended Baltimore County public schools; Essex Community College; Loyola Col-
lege, B.A., 1970. Independent businessman and former bank operations officer. Board
of Directors, Arthritis Foundation, Maryland Chapter. Board of Trustees, Franklin
Square Hospital. Member, Essex-Middle River Chamber of Commerce; Greater Essex
Committee; Bird River Democratic and Civic Club; Exchange Club of Essex; Eastern
Baltimore County Democratic and Civic Association; 15th District Democratic Club;
Baltimore County Marine, Fire, Rescue, Paramedic Association; Essex Improvement
Association; Blue Ridge/Walnut Hills Improvement Association; Deep Creek Demo-
cratic and Civic Club; Essex-Middle River Heritage Society. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates, 1975-1978. Member of the Senate since 1978. Majority whip.
Chairman, Joint Budget and Audit Committee; vice-chairman, Finance Committee.
Member, Legislative Policy Committee; Committee on Executive Nominations; Com-
mittee on Rules; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Re-
view; Maryland Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation; Joint Committee on
Spending Affordability. Chairman, Governor's Task Force to Study Arthritis; Gover-
nor's Commission on Mobile Homes. District office: 418 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore
21221; tel. 391-7800. Annapolis office: Presidential Wing, James Bldg., 21401; tel.
CATHERINE I. RILEY, Democrat, District 34. Born in Harford County, March 21,
1947. Attended Bel Air parochial and public schools; Towson State College, B.A. (Biol-
ogy), 1969. Chairman, Joint Energy Committee; member. Environmental Matters Com-
mittee; Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review Committee; Bi-state Commit-
tee on the Chesapeake Bay. Member, National Order of Women Legislators. Member of
many civic and political organizations. Listed in Outstanding Young Women a/America,
1978. Received Young Democrat of the Year Award, 1975. Listed in Who's Who in
Maryland Politics. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates, 1975-1982. Member
of the Senate since 1983. Chairperson, Administrative, Executive and Legislative Re-
view Committee. District office: 20 Office Street, Bel Air 21014; tel. 838-7010. Annapo-
lis office: 308 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3158.
MARGARET C. SCHWEINHAUT, Democrat, District 18. Bora in Washington,
D.C. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; The George Washington University;
National University Law School. Honorary Doctor of Laws degree, St. Joseph Col-
lege, 1971. Chairperson, State Commission on Aging. Member, International Geronto-
logical Society; Montgomery Retarded Children's Association. Certificate of Merit,
National Council of Senior Citizens; Outstanding Legislator, Knights of Columbus;
Citation of Merit, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Outstanding Service, Bethesda-Chevy
Chase Chamber of Commerce. Widow. Member of the House of Delegates, 1955-
1961. Member of the Senate since 1961. Chairperson, Executive Nominations Com-
mittee, 1971-1983. Member, Legislative Council (now Legislative Policy Committee)
since 1971. District office: 3601 Saul Rd., Kensington 20895; tel. 946-3111. Annapolis
office: 304 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 858-3137.