536/Maryland Manual
B. B. Kemp .................... 1984
Muriel M. Selph ................. 1984
Dale Speake .................... 1984
Arthur 0. Wooddy ............... 1984
Frank M. Culhane ................ 1985
David P. Edwards ................ 1985
Nursing Home Board
Marvin P. Green, Chairperson ............
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Dr. C. W. Duncan, Chairperson ...........
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Advisory Council
Thomas Saxton, Chairperson .............
Board a/Education37
Nancy J. Sefton, Chairperson ........ 1986
Jeffrey F. dark .................. 1986
Linda Moore Creason ............. 1986
Robert J. Fuller ................. 1986
Vincent C. Hungerford ............ 1986
Edith J. Patterson ................ 1986
Norman J. Saunders .............. 1986
Superintendent of Schools
John H. Bloom ......................
Charles County Community College
Dr. John M. Sine, President .............
Charles County Community College Board of
Louis P. Jenkins, Chairperson ........ 1986
William Daniel Mayer ............. 1983
Mrs. H. L. Conley ............... 1984
John T. Parran, Jr. ............... 1985
Henry L. Burke ................. 1987
Veronica E. Coates ............... 1988
Louise Mudd ................... 1988
Board of Library Trustees
Susy Washington, President ......... 1985
Evelyn S. Hungerford ............. 1983
Katharine Turner ................ 1983
Forrest Coakley ................. 1985
James E. Bock .................. 1986
Nicholas Dippold ................ 1987
Richard Stone .................. 1987
Janet Corson .......................
Charles County Heritage Commission37"
Eloise Crain .................... 1983
J. Cecilia Spinks ................. 1983
Barbara Couchenour .............. 1984
Mary Mudd McHale .............. 1984
37 Elected by the voters of Charles County (Chapter 386, Acts
of 1970).
37 * Created by Chapter 304, Acts of 1982.
Kathryn Newcomb ............... 1984
John McWilliams, Jr. .............. 1985
Connie M. Rich ................. 1985
Elaine Ryan .................... 1985
one vacancy ........................
Social Services
Social Services Board
Ann E. Thompson, Chairperson ....... 1983
Marland Deen, County Commissioner,
ex officio .........................
Vila Zverina .................... 1983
George Buckley ................. 1984
Rev. Byron Souder ............... 1984
Olga Walter .................... 1985
three vacancies ......................
Department of Social Services
B. L. Robinson, Director ...............
Human Relations Commission38
Norman L. Bankins, Chairperson ..........
Rudolf C. Datcher ...................
Margaret B. Langley ..................
George Foster .......................
Dupree Monk .......................
W. Paul Gardiner ....................
Mary Queen ........................
Bert W. Garrett .....................
Roberta Wearmouth ..................
Genevive D. Gilooly ..................
Aging Services Office
Marianna Sturtz, Director ...............
Area Council for Aging39
Cordelia Brown, Chairperson .............
Foster Care Review Board
Julie Daughtee ......................
Rev. William Kilson ..................
Arlie Kingery, Jr. ....................
Esther McCloy ......................
Nancy Seitz ........................
Eunice Washington ...................
Mary Webb ........................
Children's Council
Edward Craft, Susan Hogan, Co-Chairpersons .
Tri-County Youth Services Bureau
Dr. C. W. Duncan, Director .............
Southern Maryland Community Counseling Agency
Michael Smith, Director ................
Tri-County Community Action Committee
Dana Jones, Director ..................
"Appointed by the County Commissioners (Chapter 51, Acts
of 1980).
39 Chapter 879, Acts of 1963.