County Agencies
Housing Officer
Patricia A. Roberts ...................
Board of Parks and Recreation
Frederick C. Willett, Chairperson ...... 1983
John R. Howie .................. 1983
Edwin L. Kelly .................. 1983
Lawrence F. Lane ................ 1983
Frederick W. Mower .............. 1983
Robert Merritt, Jr. ............... 1984
Hope Smith .................... 1984
Melvin S. Bridgett, Director .............
Planning, Building, and Inspections
Planning Commission
Jerry Volman, Chairperson .......... 1984
Eleanor F. Carrico, County Commissioner 1986
Ken Dixon ..................... 1983
James W. Dutton ................ 1985
Thomas M. Middleton ............. 1985
Harry T. Stine .................. 1986
James E. Redmond, Planning Director ......
Board of Zoning Appeals
Gilbert 0. Bowling, Chairperson ...... 1985
Alma Metcaife .................. 1983
Sandra D. Mitchell ............... 1983
C. Stephen Trigonopolis ............ 1983
Edward M. Blanchard ............. 1984
Zoning Administrator
Linda W. Chapman ...................
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Hugh C. Gardiner III, Chairperson ........
District Forestry Board
Dennis R. Bridge ................ 1983
Eleanor F. Carrico ............... 1984
Economic Development Commission
J. Blacklock Wills, Sr., Chairperson .... 1983
Raymond T. Tilghman, Director ..........
Roads Supervisor
W. J. Kidwell ...................
Department of Public Works
Roy E. Hancock, Director ..........
Board of Electrical Examiners^0
Thomas L. Higdon, Sr., President ..... 1983
Bernard R. Winkler, Jr., Secretary ..... 1984
one vacancy ...................
Building Inspector41
Lemuel P. Carpenter, Jr. ...........
Plumbing Inspector
Vacancy ..................
40 Chapter 57, Acts of 1968.
•" Chapter 82, Acts of 1967.
Dorchester County/537
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Kathryn E. Bonifant, Chairperson ..... 1985
Charles E. Stine ................. 1983
Ricardo Hamilton ................ 1984
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Walter A. "Bucky" Swann, Chairperson .....
William L. Rice .....................
Thomas Shymansky ...................
Harry T. Stine ......................
William Stine .......................
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Martin R. Jones, Chairperson ............
Barbara L. Cliff .....................
H. Travis McPherson ..................
Robert B. Owen .....................
M. Elizabeth Roberts .................
John E. Walsh ......................
Sandra Womack .....................
5'o;7 Conservation District Supervisors
W. Mitchell Digges, Chairperson ...... 1985
Walter L. Bender, Vice-Chairperson .... 1987
Hugh C. Gardiner III, Treasurer ...... 1984
Leonard J. Rice ................. 1986
Carl G. Walter (County appointee) ........
Martin R. Jones, Extension Agent, Secretary
(non-voting) ........................
John H. Kimmons, District Conservationist . . .
Alan Cruikshank, District Manager ........
County Seat: Cambridge 21613
Origin; The exact date and the legal origin of the
county are unknown, but it was certainly in ex-
istence by February 16, 1668/69, when a writ
was issued to the sheriff of the county by the
Lord Proprietary.
Name: Named for the Earl of Dorset, a family
friend of the Calverts.