County Agencies
District Court Judge
Robert C. Nalley ................ 1991
Dennis Fean, Administrative Clerk .........
Richard A. Day III, Clerk ..............
District Court Commissioners
Mary Ames ........................
William A. Brown, Jr. .................
John Baer .........................
Cathy Canter .......................
Robert Howard .....................
Orphans' Court Judges
Henry D. Middleton, Chic/Judge ..... 1986
H. Celeste Downs ................ 1986
Elizabeth L. Gamer ............... 1986
Register of Wills
Gertrude C. Wright ............... 1986
David D. Fuller ................. 1986
State's Attorney
Stephen J. Braun ................. 1986
District Public Defender
T. Myron Loyd .....................
County Commissioners of Charles County, Mary-
P.O. Box B
La Plata 20646 Telephone: 645-0500
Meeting Days: Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:00
County Commissioners
County Commissioners of Charles County. Mary-
Marland Deen, President ........... 1986
Eleanor F. Carrico ............... 1986
Loretta Nimmerrichter ............. 1986
Christopher W. Chinault, County Administrator
County Attorney
Thomas C. Hayden, Jr. ................
Treasurer and Tax Collector
Thelma M. Bowie ................ 1986
Richard Winkler, Director ...............
Supervisor of Assessments
John E. Frere .......................
33 Appointed by Board of County Commissioners (Chapter 541,
Acts of 1966).
Charles County/535
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Robert S. Simpson, Jr., President ...... 1983
Francis F. Curley, Secretary ......... 1983
Frances E. Dodson ............... 1983
Shirley Dick, substitute ............. 1983
William Highby, substitute .......... 1983
Public Safety
Board of Public Safety34
Marland Deen (County
Commissioner), Chairperson ......... 1986
Forrest Coakley ................. 1983
Vincent Jameson ................. 1983
Detention Center
Albert T. Hanulik, Director .............
Emergency Management and Civil Defense Agency
Harris S. Matthews, Director .............
Fire Marshal
William Mitchell .....................
Board of Fire and Rescue Commissioners35
H. Glenn Robey, Chairperson ........ 1983
Vacancy, County Commissioner ...........
Parran C. Abell ................. 1983
George M. Bowling, Jr. ............ 1983
T. A. Pilkerton .................. 1983
E. Paul Sinsel ................... 1983
Charles W. Wills ................. 1983
Dog Warden
Albert Tippett, Manager. Tri-County Animal
Shelter ............................
Deputy Medical Examiner
Vacancy ...........................
Department of Health
Diane L. Matuszak, M.D., M.P.H., Health Of-
ficer .............................
Hospital Board36
Rolland Hower (County appointee),
President ...................... 1984
Tim W. Long, Vice-President ........ 1984
Brison Hungerford, Treasurer ........ 1983
Mary B. Moore, Secretary .......... 1984
Mary K. Albrittain ............... 1983
Kenneth L. Dyson ............... 1983
Konrad B. Zoll .................. 1983
Gertrude Brown ................. 1984
Mohammed Haziq, M.D. ........... 1984
Edwin L. Kelly .................. 1984
34 Chapter 676, Acts of 1965.
35 Chapter 636, Acts of 1975.
3' Chapter 573, Acts of 1959.