348/Maryland Manual
rized for the next ensuing fiscal year. In making
this estimate the Committee considers: 1) the
amount of general obligation debt that will be is-
sued and outstanding during that next fiscal year;
2) the amount of general obligation debt that will
be authorized but unissued during such fiscal
year; 3) the capital program plan for the ensuing
five fiscal years prepared by the Department of
State Planning; 4) projections of school construc-
tion and capital improvement needs for the ensu-
ing five fiscal years prepared by the Interagency
Committee on School Construction; 5) projec-
tions of debt service requirements for the ensuing
ten fiscal years; 6) other factors relevant to the
ability of the State to meet its projected debt ser-
vice requirements for the ensuing five years; 7)
criteria established or used by recognized bond
rating agencies in judging the quality of State
bond issues; 8) other factors relevant to the mar-
ketability of State bonds; and 9) the effect of ad-
ditional debt authorizations on each of the factors
enumerated above.
The Committee's estimate is advisory and is
not binding upon the Governor, the Board of
Public Works, or the General Assembly (Code
1957, Art. 31, sec. 25 et seq.).
Director: Howard Bluth
301 W. Preston Street, Suite 1502
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2290
The Office for Children and Youth was created
by Chapter 426, Acts of 1978. The basic purpose
of the Office is to examine programs, services,
and plans for children and youth. The accom-
plishment of these purposes precludes operation
of programs and services. Rather, the Office as-
sists operating agencies, local governments, and
organizations in carrying out their functions effi-
ciently, economically, and effectively and helps
families and the general public learn about pro-
grams, services, and plans for children and youth.
The Office consists of a Director, twenty-four
local Children's Councils, and the State Advisory
Committee for Children and Youth. Within the
Office is the Governor's Youth Advisory Council,
formerly associated with the Governor's Commis-
sion on Children and Youth of the Department
of Human Resources. The Office also includes the
Maryland Children's Programs Awards Commit-
The Director for Children and Youth is
appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the
Governor and is directly responsible to him.
Among other duties, the Director examines pro-
grams, services, and plans for children from birth
through age eighteen to identify duplications and
gaps in service delivery, program resources, ineffi-
ciencies, and unmet needs. In regard to children's
programs and services, the Director secures and
analyzes Departmental plans and budget requests,
reviews Federal funds used by and available to the
State, collates relevant Governor's Budget items,
issues impact statements, and makes recommenda-
tions to the Governor and appropriate Depart-
ment heads on planning and expenditures. The Di-
rector serves as liaison with Departments and
local governments to coordinate services and make
the best use of existing resources for efficient, sys-
tematic delivery of services. With representative
local Children's Councils and other child advoca-
cy groups, including parents, the Director receives
advice on resources, needs, and priorities in differ-
ent localities. In addition, the Director provides
public information on children's services'in the
State, advises the legislature on the needs of chil-
dren and their families, and prepares an annual re-
port to the Governor and the public.
Chairperson: Sally J. Michael, 1984
M. Estelle Baker, 1983; Lorraine Claggett, 1983;
Evelyn, Hill, 1983; Therese Lansburgh, 1983;
Harvey E. Martini, Jr., 1983; Joan Pitkin,
1983; Ted Ressler, 1983; Deborah Taylor,
1983; Doris Welcher, 1983; Ann T. Wicke,
1983; Joyce Beall, 1984; Rosie A. Cobb, 1984;
Lynn Rees Finn, 1984; Rev. Frederick J. Han-
na, 1984; Carole Anne Hickman, 1984; Neva
Hutt, 1984; Charles I. Shubin, M.D., 1984;
Vicki Stoner, 1984; Judith Bender, 1985; Judith
R. Chambers, 1985; Richard Gamble, 1985;
Michael M. Gimbel, 1985; Robert L. Hill,
1985; Madeline Moore, 1985; Sue Ottmar,
1985; Anne Marie Pedersen, 1985; Miriam
Susan Raff, 1985; Gail Griffith-Rand, 1985;
Lila Trachtenberg, 1985; Steve G. Tyier, 1985.
The Advisory Committee biennially reviews the
operation of the Office to identify issues and pri-
orities, and reports its findings to the Director.
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee con-
sists of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hy-
giene, the Secretary of Human Resources, and the
State Superintendent of Education or their desig-
nees; one representative from each of the twenty-
four local Children's Councils, and twelve
appointed members. Members serve three-year
Local Children's Councils exist in each county
and in Baltimore City. Within their jurisdictions,