State Agencies
cial worker and officer-counselors who provide
continuous counseling and supervision.
Board of Patuxent Institution
Chairperson: Rev. Marcus G. Wood, public mem-
ber, 1985
Vacancy, Professor of Psychiatry, University of
Maryland; William Breakey, M.D., Professor of
Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University Medical
School, 1985; Robert E. Cahill, member of the
Maryland Bar, 1985; Minor B. Crager, Ph.D.,
Professor of Constitutional Law, University of
Baltimore School of Law, 1985; Robert A. Gor-
don, Ph.D., Sociologist/Criminologist, Johns
Hopkins University, 1985; Robert B. Levinson,
Ph.D., Administrator of Inmate Program Ser-
vices, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, public member,
1985; Mose Lewis III, member of the Maryland
Bar; 1985; Peter R. Maida, Ph.D., Socio-
logist/Criminologist, University of Maryland,
1985; Olive W. Quinn, Ph.D., Professor of Soci-
ology, Goucher College, public member, 1985;
Uthman Ray, Jr., M.D., public member, 1985;
Adele Dutton Terrell, public member, 1985;
Edward A. Tomlinson, Ph.D., Professor of Con-
stitutional Law, University of Maryland Law
School, 1985; Eugene J. Zander, public member,
Ex officio members: Alp Karahasan, M.D., Ad-
ministrator, Mental Hygiene Administration;
Arnold J. Hopkins, Director, Parole and Proba-
tion; Jon P. Galley, Commissioner of Correction.
By Chapter 476, Acts of 1951, an Advisory
Board for Defective Delinquents was created to
serve as an advisory and consultative body to the
Director. By Chapter 629, Acts of 1961, the In-
stitution became an autonomous agency and a
new Board of Patuxent Institution was created, in
addition to the Advisory Board for Defective De-
linquents, to serve as the governing body for the
Institution. By Chapter 401, Acts of 1970, the In-
stitution became a part of the Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services, and con-
tinued to retain both of these boards. By Chapter
284, Acts of 1975, the Board of Patuxent Institu-
tion and the Advisory Board for Defective Delin-
quents were merged into a single Board, known
as the Board of Patuxent Institution. That com-
bined board provided a general consultative and
advisory service to the staff of the Institution and
the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional
Services on problems and matters relating to its
work. With the total repeal and reenactment of
Article 31B by Chapter 678, Acts of 1977, the
Board of Patuxent Institution was retained to
consult with and advise the Director and the Sec-
Public Safety and Correctional Services/293
retary with respect to the operation, programs,
services, personnel, and rules and regulations of
the Institution.
The Board of Patuxent Institution includes a
professor of psychiatry at the Medical School of
the University of Maryland appointed by the Sec-
retary upon nomination of the president of that
university; a professor of psychiatry at the Medi-
cal School of The Johns Hopkins University
appointed by the Secretary upon nomination of
the president of that university; a competent soci-
ologist or Criminologist from the faculty of the
University of Maryland appointed by the Secre-
tary upon nomination of the president of that
university; a competent sociologist or criminolo-
gist from the faculty of The Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity appointed by the Secretary upon nomina-
tion of the president of that university; a full-time
professor of constitutional or criminal law at the
Law School of the University of Maryland ap-
pointed by the Secretary upon nomination of the
dean of that law school; a full-time professor of
constitutional or criminal law at the Law School
of the University of Baltimore appointed by the
Secretary upon nomination of the dean of that
law school; two practicing members of the Mary-
land Bar with at least five years experience in the
trial of civil or criminal cases; and six persons
from the general public who are eligible for any
of the other appointments to the Board,
appointed by the Secretary with the approval of
the Governor and the advice and consent of the
Senate. The Administrator of the Mental Hygiene
Administration, the Commissioner of Correction,
and the Director of Parole and Probation serve
on the Board ex officio.
Members of the Board, other than those ex of-
ficio, serve four-year terms and are eligible for
reappointment (Code 1957, Art. 31B, secs. 1-16).
Institutional Board of Review
Chairperson: Dr. Norma B. Gluckstem, Director,
Patuxent Institution
Ralph W. Packard, Associate Director, Patuxent
Institution; John J. Murry, Associate Director,
Patuxent Institution; Michael J. Bisco, M.D.,
Associate Director, Patuxent Institution; Olive
W. Quinn, Ph.D., Sociologist; Minor B. Crager,
Professor of Constitutional Law, University of
Baltimore School of Law; Edward A.
Tomlinson, Professor of Constitutional Law,
University of Maryland Law School; Mose Lew-
is III, member of the Maryland Bar.
The Institutional Board of Review was origi-
nally created by Chapter 467, Acts of 1951 and