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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
Volume 181, Page 292   View pdf image (33K)
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292/Maryland Manual

future date, conditioned upon the fulfillment of
the conditions specified in the agreement. The sig-
natories to such mutual agreements are the Parole
Commission, the Commissioner of Correction,
and the inmate (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 107-


Dr. Norma B. Gluckstem, Director

Ralph W. Packard, Associate Director-Superinten-

John J. Murry, Associate Director-Behavioral

Michael J. Bisco, M.D., Associate Director-Treat-

Jessup 20794 Telephone: 799-3400

First authorized by Chapter 476, Acts of 1951,
Patuxent Institution was formally opened on Jan-
uary 3, 1955, under the administrative control of
the Department of Correction. By Chapter 629,
Acts of 1961, the Institution became an autono-
mous agency under the control of the Board of
Patuxent Institution. By Chapter 401, Acts of
1970, the Institution became a part of the De-
partment of Public Safety and Correctional Ser-
vices. Its status continued as an institution sepa-
rate from the Division of Correction, and it
retained its own board.

By Chapter 678, Acts of 1977, the General As-
sembly repealed the original Article 31 B entitled
Defective Delinquents and enacted a totally new
Article 31B entitled Patuxent Institution. This
statute continued the Patuxent Institution as a
part of the Department of Public Safety and Cor-
rectional Services and established as the purpose
of the Institution to "provide efficient and ade-
quate programs and services for the treatment
and rehabilitation of eligible persons. This shall
include a range of program alternatives indicated
by the current state of knowledge to be appropri-
ate and effective for the population being served.
As an integral part of the program, an effective
research and development effort should be estab-
lished and maintained to evaluate and recom-
mend improvements on an on-going basis." An
"eligible person" was defined as a person who (1)
had been convicted of a crime and is serving a
sentence of imprisonment with at least three years
remaining on it, (2) has an intellectual deficiency
or emotional unbalance, (3) is likely to respond
favorably to the programs and services provided
at Patuxent Institution, and (4) can be better re-
habilitated through those programs and services
than by other incarceration. Persons may be re-

ferred for evaluation by the Commissioner of
Correction upon recommendation of the sentenc-
ing court, upon application by the State's Attor-
ney of the jurisdiction in which the person was
last sentenced, upon application of the person
himself, or upon recommendation of his staff.
Each person so referred is transferred to the In-
stitution for evaluation by an evaluation team
consisting of at least three professional employees
of the Institution, including at least one psychia-
trist, one psychologist, and one social worker or
behavioral scientist. The evaluation team assem-
bles and reviews all available relevant information
about the person and conducts its own examina-
tion of that individual. Based on its own exami-
nation and the information assembled, the team
determines whether this individual is an eligible
person and states its findings in a report to the
Director. If the individual is determined not to be
an eligible person, he is returned to the Division
of Correction to continue his sentence. If the indi-
vidual is determined to be an eligible person, he
remains at Patuxent Institution for treatment.

The Director is the Chief Administrative Offi-
cer of the Institution. Of three Associate Direc-
tors, one must be a psychiatrist and one a behav-
ioral scientist. These two Associate Directors
assist primarily in discharging the diagnostic and
treatment functions of the Institution. The third
Associate Director assists primarily in discharg-
ing the custodial function of the Institution. By
statute, the staff must also include at least three
additional psychiatrists or clinical psychologists,
at least four trained social workers, a physician,
and a dentist. The Institution offers complete
medical, psychiatric, psychological, and social
casework services. There is a complete program
of academic, vocational, recreational, and reli-
gious services. Treatment services are also provid-
ed for individuals on pre-parole and parole status.
All such programs are directly under the adminis-
tration of the Institution and are supervised by
the same staff members who worked with the in-
mate while he was at the Institution. To provide
for continuation of treatment in these programs,
the Institution operates a community clinic in
Metropolitan Baltimore. In addition to continued
psychotherapy, the clinic staff also provides job
and family counseling and social casework ser-
vices for the individual and his family. In con-
junction with the clinic, the Institution operates a
halfway house at the same location. This residen-
tial unit provides housing and supportive services
for parolees who have insufficient personal or
family resources to support them in the commu-
nity. The Institution also houses all pre-parole in-
mates located on the grounds of the Instituion.
This forty-bed facility is staffed by a trained so-


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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
Volume 181, Page 292   View pdf image (33K)
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