294/Maryland Manual
continued under Chapter 678, Acts of 1977. The
Board is composed of the Director, the three As-
sociate Directors, the Professor of the University
of Maryland School of Law, the Professor of the
University of Baltimore School of Law, and one
of the two members of the Board of Patuxent In-
stitution who are members of the Maryland Bar,
and a sociologist appointed by the Board from
the faculty of an accredited institution of higher
education in Maryland.
The Board of Review is charged with reviewing
at least once a year the status of each eligible per-
son and his progress under a written treatment
plan. It makes appropriate written recommenda-
tions for the future treatment and status of the
person following each review. The Board is au-
thorized to grant leave or parole to eligible per-
sons, if it concludes that such leave or parole
will not impose an unreasonable risk to society
and will assist in the treatment and rehabilitation
of the eligible person. The Board may attach rea-
sonable conditions to the leave or parole and may
revoke the status if it finds that the person has vi-
olated such conditions. If the person has success-
fully completed three years on parole without vio-
lation and the Board of Review concludes he is
safe to be permanently released, it may petititon
the court to suspend the remaining sentence un-
der conditions the court deems appropriate or to
vacate the remaining sentence. If in its review the
Board concludes that the person is no longer an
eligible person but should remain confined until
paroled by the Parole Commission, or until the
expiration of his sentence, or if the person re-
quests a transfer in writing, the Director notifies
the Commissioner of Correction and the person is
transferred to the appropriate correctional facility
designated by the Commissioner. The person may
not apply for readmission to Patuxent Institution
within three years of his transfer from the Institu-
Col. Wilbert T. Travers, Jr., Superintendent
Lt. Col. Edward M. Evans, Deputy Superinten-
Lt. Col. Johnny G. Lough, Chief, Field Opera-
tions Bureau
Lt. Col. Howard W. Dashiells, Chief, Special
Operations Bureau
Lt. Col. Samuel R. Dorsey, Chief, Logistical Ser-
vices Bureau
Pikesville 21208 Telephone: 486-3101
The Maryland State Police, originally
established by Chapter 303, Acts of 1935, had its
functions recodified by Chapter 547, Acts of
1968. The Agency is charged with enforcement of
the motor vehicle and criminal laws of the State,
and, more specifically, with safeguarding the lives
and safety of all persons within the State, protect-
ing property, and assisting all persons to secure
the equal protection of law. The Agency also has
the responsibility to preserve the public peace; de-
tect and prevent crime; enforce the laws and ordi-
nances of the State and its local subdivisions; ap-
prehend and arrest criminals and those who
violate or are lawfully accused of violating such
laws and ordinances; preserve order in public
places; maintain the safe and orderly flow of traf-
fic on public streets and highways; cooperate with
and assist law enforcement agencies in carrying
out their duties; and discharge its duties and re-
sponsibilities with the dignity and manner that
will inspire public confidence and respect.
The Agency has statewide jurisdiction, except
in incorporated municipalities. Within such mu-
nicipalities its jurisdiction is limited to: (1) when
in pursuit of an offender or suspected offender;
(2) when in search of an offender or suspected of-
fender wanted for a crime committed outside the
limits of the municipality, or when interviewing
or seeking to interview a witness or supposed wit-
ness to such a crime; (3) when a crime is commit-
ted in the presence of the police employee, the
arrested party shall be immediately transferred to
the custody of the local law enforcement agency;
(4) when requested to act by the chief executive
officer of the municipality in question or its chief
police officer; (5) when ordered by the Governor
to act within the municipality in question; (6)
when enforcing the motor vehicle laws of the
State, except when in Baltimore City; (7) in
Baltimore City only when enforcing Title 22 of
the Transportation Article; (8) in any building or
place when ordered by the president of the Senate
and the speaker of the House, or either of them,
to guard the safety of the legislative process; and
(9) when protecting the safety of an elected State
official (Code 1957, Art. 88B, secs. 3, 4, 20, and
The State Police also enforce the provisions of
the Code relating to controlled dangerous sub-
stances (narcotics) throughout the State without
any limitation as to activities within municipal
corporations or other subdivisions (Code 1957,
Art. 27, sec. 298 (g)).
The Superintendent directs the State Police. He
is appointed by the Governor with the advice and
consent of the Senate to serve at the pleasure of
the Governor. With the approval of the Secretary