State Agencies
associations, building construction trades, the
contracting and manufacturing industry, legisla-
tive bodies of local government, the financial in-
dustry, and the general public. The Commission
submits an annual report to the Secretary and the
General Assembly regarding rules, regulations,
and programs relating to the Industrialized Build-
ing and Mobile Homes Acts of 1971. The HUD
Mobile Standard, which became effective on June
15, 1976, supersedes the Maryland standard for
mobile homes, but the Commission may still
make recommendations. Such recommendations
are submitted to HUD for consideration (Code
1957, Art. 41, secs. 266EE 1-4, 7, 8).
Benjamin L. Hackerman, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2875
The Maryland Housing Fund was established
by Chapter 669, Acts of 1971. Its primary objec-
tives are to 1) assist State citizens of all income
levels to become houseowners through a program
of mortgage insurance for the construction of
multiple units and single-family housing, and 2)
stimulate the flow of private investment capital
into the State for this purpose.
The Fund accomplishes these objectives
through ten different innovative mortgage insur-
ance programs. These include the insurance of
single-family mortgage loans up to 100% of pur-
chase price, and the insurance of both construc-
tion and permanent multi-family mortgage loans.
The Fund operates through a large number of
lending institutions across the State and through
local housing agencies. It has as its reserves $42
million in State General Obligation Bonds and
Appropriations (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 257K).
James Devine, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2051
The Division of Public Affairs was created in
July 1974 to expand the Department's liaison
with representatives of the general, industrial, and
other news media and with public relations per-
sonnel of business and industry and other groups
located in Maryland. The Division's primary ob-
jective is to create a better public understanding
of the Department programs. It strives to accom-
Economic and Community Development/181
plish this by disseminating information to repre-
sentatives of the news media and through publi-
cation of Maryland Magazine, and the production
of various other Departmental publications, in-
cluding the Directory of Maryland Manufacturers
(biennially, even years). The Division produces
audio-visual exhibits and presentations in support
of or in conjunction with Departmental activities.
It also coordinates all paid advertising by the De-
Advisory Council
Legislative members: Vacancy, State Senate;
American Joe Miedusiewski, House of Dele-
Public members: John D. Bertak, 1984; Frederick
Breitenfeld, Jr., 1984; R. Eugene Foote, 1984;
Peter A. Garey, 1984; Sandra S. Hillman, 1984;
Chuck Richards, 1984; George F. Rogers, Jr.,
1984; Richard W. Story, 1984; John R.
Wachter, 1984; John Wright, 1984.
Jack K. Smith, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3577
Created by Chapter 5, Acts of 1980, the Mo-
tion Picture and Television Development Office
promotes the production of motion picture and
television films in Maryland. The General Assem-
bly's action resulted from previous success in lur-
ing movie makers to the State through part-time
efforts connected with the Public Affairs Divi-
sion's visual communications program. The Office
and Advisory Council both operate within the
Division of Public Affairs.
The Motion Picture and Television Develop-
ment Office prepares and distributes materials
promoting desirable film locations in the state
and provides production companies with a wide
range of logistical assistance, such as location
scouting, securing permits, casting, film crew
housing, catering, and equipment rental.
The Office has assisted in the filming of several
feature motion pictures that used Maryland loca-
tions, including "The Seduction of Joe Tynan,"
"And Justice for All," "Diner," and a CBS televi-
sion special, "The Voyage of the Mayflower."
The Motion Picture and Television Develop-
ment and Advisory Council serves as an advisory
body to the Department of Economic and Corn-