182/Maryland Manual
munity Development. The Council consists of
twelve members representing both government
and the state's television and movie industry.
Two are members of the General Assembly,
appointed by the speaker of the House and the
president of the Senate. Ten are appointed by the
Secretary of Economic and Community Develop-
ment with the approval of the Governor and the
advice and consent of the Senate.
Leonard E. Albert, Director
1623 Forest Drive
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2120
The Division of Administrative Services was es-
tablished by order of the Secretary in April 1976
to integrate several essential support services for
the Department. The Division provides advice,
guidance, and technical support to the Depart-
ment's senior program directors and operating
components in various areas of administrative
management. It bears prime responsibility for the
following: development of Departmental budget
proposals and projections; maintenance of fund
accounts; and purchasing of products and services
required for Departmental activities. The Division
also provides comprehensive mailroom services,
maintains liaison with building management to
assure repair and upkeep of grounds and facili-
ties, and monitors use of Departmental motor ve-
hicles. It reviews requests for proposals and con-
tract awards for compliance with State pur-
chasing regulations. Additionally, the Division
coordinates data processing and word processing
Robert Schoeplein, Director
Robert Goodman, Associate Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3629
Formerly an agency of the Department of Eco-
nomic and Community Development, the Com-
mission was abolished by Chapter 139, Acts of
The Division of Research was created to pro-
vide analytical support for Departmental econom-
ic policy-making and development planning. It
also collects and maintains a data base for the re-
search needs of the Department of Economic and
Community Development, other government
agencies, and the private sector. This data base is
continuously refined and updated. The Division is
responsible for various ad hoc research projects of
the Department and for representing the Depart-
ment on numerous statewide committees and task
forces. In addition, it prepares and, in some cases,
presents testimony on behalf of the Department.
The primary responsibility of the Division is to
study the performance of the State economy.
Such work is concerned with the behavior and re-
lationships between major elements of the State's
economy, concentrating on changes over time,
such as employment by industry, by skill, and by
sub-State region. The main purpose of this effort
is to provide quantitative and analytical bases for
economic policy-making. The Division is also re-
sponsible for responding to the research needs of
the other divisions in the Department. To provide
a sound basis for State actions aimed at strength-
ening the economy and for industrial and com-
munity development planning, the Division ana-
lyzes specific aspects of the State economy and
State economic policy.
The second major responsibility of the Division
is to gather and compile technical information. It
functions as a statewide information center for
socioeconomic and demographic data on Mary-
land and serves as a major contact point between
the State government and the sources of such
data, which include the U.S. Bureau of the Cen-
sus, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Fed-
eral Reserve Districts, trade associations, non-
profit organizations, and various State and local
organizations. The Division converts basic infor-
mation into compilations specifically designed for
business, industry, and the general public, and
prepares a monthly series of economic indicators.