ELIZABETH S. SMITH, Republican, District 33. Born in Baltimore, March 18,
1934. Educated in Ohio and Wisconsin parochial schools; California public schools.
Member, Governor's Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped; vice-
chairman, Chesapeake Bay Commission. Administrative Assistant to Senate Minority
Leader, 1971-1974. Alternate delegate to Republ'can National Convention, 1972,
1976; delegate, 1980. Member, Republican Women of Anne Arundel County; 5th Dis-
trict Republican Club; Severna Park Republican Women's Club; Crofton Republican
Women's Club. Former member, Board of Directors, Maryland State Chamber of
Commerce. Past president, Greater Annapolis Chamber of Commerce; Maryland
Clam Festival. Member, Anne Arundel Community College Advisory Board;
Davidsonville Athletic Association; Annapolis Zonta Club; Ladies Auxiliary of the
Anne Arundel General Hospital. Recipient of honorary life membership award for
outstanding service from Annapolis Chamber of Commerce, 1968. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1975; member, Ways and Means Committee. District
office: 3438 Merrimac Rd., Harbor Hills, Davidsonville 21035; tel. 269-0724. Annapo-
lis office: 215 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3223.
MICHAEL J. SPRAGUE, Democrat, District 28A. Born in Indian Head, October
11, 1940. Attended Indian Head public schools; Charles County Community College;
Appalachian State Teachers College, B.S., 1965. Insurance agent. Served with the U.S.
Army, 1959-1961. County Commissioner, Charles County, 1970-1974. Member,
Indian Head-Bryans Road Business Association; Jaycees; Lions Club; Optimist Club.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975; member, Ways and Means
Committee. District office; P.O. Box 37, Bryans Road 20616. Annapolis office: 216
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3247.
ROBERT R. STAAB, Democrat, District 7. Bom in Baltimore County, July 30,
1938. Attended Dundalk public schools; University of Baltimore, B.S., 1961; Morgan
State College, M.S., 1974; University of Indiana, Exec. Dev., 1974. Superintendent of
Recreation and Parks. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. President, Communi-
ty Directors Association of Baltimore County; Joint Education-Recreation Committee,
Baltimore County; Baltimore County Physical Fitness Commission; Maryland Recre-
ation and Parks Association; State Advisory Committee on Adult and Continuing Ed-
ucation; Maryland Wrestling Officials Association. Member, Southeastern Area Recre-
ation Councils; board of directors, Welfare Fraud Task Force; Dundalk Jaycees;
Dundalk Community College Advisory Board; Holabird Hunting and Fishing Club.
Dundalk's Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1971; Dundalk Chamber of Com-
merce Citizen of the Year, 1977-1978. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1979. Member, Appropriations Committee. District office: 2816
Moorgate Rd., Baltimore 21222; tel. 285-1719. Annapolis office: 305 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3332.
CASPER R. TAYLOR, JR., Democrat, District 2A. Born in Cumberland, December
19, 1934. Attended Allegany County parochial schools; University of Notre Dame,
B.A., 1956. Served in the U.S. Air Force R.O.T.C., 1952-1954. Past president,
Allegany County Liquor Dealers. Member, Elks; Eagles; Moose; Alhambra; Knights
of Columbus; South Cumberland Business and Civic Association; Allegany County
Governmental Study Commission. Past president. Dapper Dan Club. Member, Cham-
ber of Commerce; Maryland Wildlife Federation. President, Academy of Political Sci-
ence at Notre Dame. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. Vice-
chairman, Economic Matters Committee, since 1978. Chairman, Subcommittee on
Automobile Insurance. Member, Joint Committee on Energy; Joint Committee on
Economic Development; Joint Committee on Maryland Port; Governor's Task Force
to Study Public Service Commission Law; Task Force on Product Liability. County
Coordinator, Hughes for Governor Campaign, 1978. District office: 501 N. Mechanic
St., Cumberland 21502; tel. 724-9234, 777-2359, or MARCOM 239-2359. Annapolis
office: 151 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3519.