124/Maryland Manual
VIRGINIA M. THOMAS, Democrat, District 13A. Bom in New York City, Febru-
ary 23, 1941. Attended Ursuline Academy, New York City; Fairleigh Dickenson Uni-
versity, B.S., 1962; Rutgers University, M.S.W., 1965; University of Pennsylvania,
A.C.S.W., 1967. Psychiatic social worker. Member, Howard County Council, 2 terms,
1974-1982; Howard County Zoning Board; Howard County Board of License Com-
missioners; Howard County Health Board. Member, Board of Directors, Patuxent
Business and Professional Womens Club; Grassroots, 1982; COVIC (prisoner rehabili-
tation), 1982; Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting Community Advisory Board
since 1977; Maryland Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life since 1980;
Howard County Rape Crisis Center since 1976; Maryland Childrens Aid and Adop-
tion Service, Howard County Advisory Board, since 1978; Citizens Against Spousal
Assault Advisory Board, 1977; League of Women Voters (co-chair. Housing Study
Committee). Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983;
member. Environmental Matters Committee. District office: 6153 Forty Winks Way,
Columbia 21045; tel. 730-0485. Annapolis office: 219 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
JUDITH C. TOTH, Democrat, District 15. Bom in Rochelle, Illinois, October 21,
1937. Attended Sasebo, Japan, American High School; Northwestern University,
B.A., 1959; Mexico City College; Georgetown University; University of the Andes;
Montgomery College; University of Maryland. Political economist. Member, Task
Force on Hospital Regulations; Humane Practices Commission; Governor's Commis-
sion on Hispanic Affairs; Governor's Commission on Gasohol. Member, Energy Poli-
cy Committee, Public Safety Policy Committee, and Board of Directors, Metropolitan
Washington Council oS- Governments. Member, Advisory Board, Maryland Associa-
tion of Deaf; National Conference of State Legislators Task Force on Satellite Remote
Sensing. Legislative representative to the Governor's Commission to Revise the Anno-
tated Code. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. Member, Environmental
Matters Committee. District office: 7626 Westlake Terrace, Bethesda 20817; tel.
469-7749. Annapolis office: 225 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3037.
JOSEPH F. VALLARIO, JR., Democrat, District 27. Born in Washington, D.C.,
March 4, 1937. Attended Washington, D.C., parochial schools; Benjamin Franklin
University, B.C.S, and M.C.S., 1959; Eastern College; Mt. Vemon School of Law,
University of Baltimore, LL.B., J.D., 1963. Member, American and Maryland State
Bar Associations; past president, Prince George's County Criminal Trial Lawyers As-
sociation. Member, Sons of Italy; inactive member, Painters Local Union #1773.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975; member. Judiciary Commit-
tee. District office: 5206 Auth Rd., Suitland 20746; tel. 423-8100. Annapolis office:
206 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 858-3083.
MICHAEL H. WEIR, Democrat, District 6. Bom in Baltimore, March 24, 1924.
Attended Baltimore County public schools; Essex Community College; University of
Maryland. Masonry contractor. Served with the U.S. Army during World War II.
Member, Fifth District, 15th District, Riverside, Bird River, Norris, Deep Creek,
Eastern Baltimore County, Chase-Bengies, East End, and Associated Democratic
Clubs; American Legion; VFW; Hawks Federation of Independent Business Men.
Married; 6 children, 12 grandchildren. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975;
member. Environmental Matters Committee since 1975; member, Joint Committee on
Energy. District office: 418 Eastern Ave., Baltimore 21221. Annapolis office: 303
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3384.