122/Maryland Manual
PATRICK C. SCANNELLO, Democrat, District 32. Born in Baltimore, August 24,
1936. Attended Edison Vocational /Mergenthaler. Liquor store owner/operator.
Served in the Maryland National Guard and Army Reserve. Member, Arthur Slade
Home School Association; North Glen Improvement Association; Ferndale Communi-
ty Club; Moose; Holy Trinity Council; Knights of Columbus; Leukemia Society of
Baltimore- Board member, Anne Arundel County Economic Opportunities Commit-
tee. Married; 4 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979; member, Eco-
nomic Matters Committee. District office telephone: 768-5678. Annapolis office: 214
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3233.
GEORGE T. SCHMINCKE, Democrat, District 32. Born in Baltimore, December
25, 1923. Attended Mt. St. Joseph High School. Served in the U.S. Navy during
WWII; received European Ribbon, American Ribbon, Pacific Ribbon with two stars.
Anne Arundel County Democratic Committee, 1974-1978 (chairman, 3 years). Mem-
ber, Pemdale Community Club; American Legion; Knights of Columbus; Elks; Tri-
District Democratic Club; Citizens Democratic Club (former president); North Fern-
dale Community Association, Inc. (former president); Greater Ferndale Community
Civic Association. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979;
member. Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee. Annapolis office: 214
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3233.
PATRICIA R. SHER, Democrat, District 18. Born in Washington, D.C., June 19,
1931. Attended Greenbelt High School; Montgomery College; University of Mary-
land, 1976—. Founder, Friends of RAP (Regional Addiction Prevention), 1971.
Montgomery County Women's Political Caucus; county coordinator, Committee to
Repeal Blue Laws, 1976; Democratic precinct chairman, 1966-1978. Maryland Drug
Abuse Council, 1972-1978. Elected delegate, Democratic National Convention, 1980.
Hornbook Award, Montgomery County Education Association, 1982. Married; 4
children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Member, Economic Matters
Committee, Joint Committee for Management of Public Funds; Anti-Arson Council;
Council of Governments Policy Committee on Public Safety. District office: 1916
Rookwood Rd., Silver Spring 20910; tel. 589-7188. Annapolis office: 220 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3045; Washington metro area tel. 858-3045.
JOHN FRANK SLADE III, Democrat, District 29C. Born in Leonardtown, August
5, 1943. Attended Great Mills High School; St. Mary's College; University of Mary-
land, B.S., 1967; University of Baltimore, LL.B., 1969. Attorney. Assistant public de-
fender, 1972-1974; assistant State's attorney, St. Mary's County, 1975-1976; district
public defender, District 4, 1976-1982. Member, St. Mary's County Youth Commis-
sion; St. Mary's County Community College Advisory Board; St. Mary's County Eth-
ics I.aw Review Committee; Legislative Council's Special Committee on Rape and Re-
lated Offenses; Region II Planning Board of the Governor's Commission on Law
Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. Married; 3 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1983; member. Environmental Matters Committee. District
office; Box 15, Valley Lee 20692; tel. 994-2930. Annapolis office: 217 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3314.