120/Maryland Manual
DONALD B. ROBERTSON, Democrat, District 18. Born in Washington, D.C., Oc-
tober 6, 1931. Washington, D.C., and Montgomery County public schools; Oberlin
College, B.A., 1953; Columbia University School of Law, LL.B., 1958. U.S. Naval of-
ficer, 1953-1955. Attorney. Member of the bar: Maryland, D.C., and U.S. Supreme
Court. Served on Governor's Commission to Study the Public Service Commission;
Joint Committee on State Tax Structure; Ethics Committee, Maryland Democratic
Party; Ethics, Elections and Reapportionment Committee, National Conference of
State Legislatures. Chevy Chase Public Library Advisory Committee; Oberlin College
Alumni Committee on Admissions; former chairman. Committee on Rules, Legislative
Study Group. Vice-chairman, Citizens' Committee of Chevy Chase, Section III. Co-
author, "Recent Developments in Natural Gas Regulation by the FPC" (Swn. Leg.
Fdn., 1965). Married; 4 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971. Com-
mittees: Judiciary (1971-1973), Ways and Means (1975-1976), Constitutional and Ad-
ministrative Law (1974, 1977—). Chairman, Montgomery County Delegation, 1971-
1978. House Majority Leader, 1979—. Member: Legislative Policy Committee; Legis-
lative Management Subcommittee; House Rules Committee. District office: 7003 Del-
aware St., Chevy Chase 20015; tel. (202) 785-2081. Annapolis office: 313 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3391.
SAMUEL I. "SANDY" ROSENBERG, Democrat, District 42. Born in Baltimore,
May 18, 1950. Graduated Baltimore City College, 1968; Amherst College, B.A., 1972;
Columbia University Law School, J.D., 1975. Housing Assistance Payments Program
Coordinator, 1975-1976, and Moderate Rehabilitation Housing Program Coordinator,
1979-1981, Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development.
"Square Off" producer and assistant to program manager, WJZ-TV, 1976-1979; legal
intern, Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office; legal assistant to Ronald M. Shapiro,
Maryland Securities Commissioner; legislative assistant on Capitol Hill. Member,
Mayor's Task Force for Liaison with the General Assembly, 1980-1981; past board
member, Citizens Planning and Housing Association; past member, Maryland Adviso-
ry Committee, U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Board member, Baltimore Jewish Com-
munity Relations Council; Baltimore Chapter, American Jewish Committee. Baltimore
Alumni Admission Coordinator, Amherst College. Member, New Democratic Coali-
tion; ACLU; Common Cause; Har Sinai Congregation. Unmarried. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1983; member, Appropriations Committee. District office:
6609 Reisterstown Rd., Baltimore 21215; tel. 764-3614. Annapolis office: 320 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3297.
IDA G. RUBEN, Democrat, District 20. Born and attended public schools in Wash-
ington, D.C. Past president, B'nai B'rith Women District V. Past International Board
Member, past International Treasurer, and present International Vice-President of
B'nai B'rith Women. Former National Anti-Defamation League Commissioner and
present member of the National ADL Advisory Committee. Member, Council of State
Government Committee on Suggested State Legislation. Montgomery County Ad Hoc
Committee to Study the Status of Women. White House Conferences on Youth,
Handicapped and Aging. Legal Aid Society. Service Guild of Washington. State Dem-
ocratic Party Ethics Committee. Democratic Precinct Chairperson, 1967-1974. Demo-
cratic Clubs. Active in all presidential, senatorial, congressional, gubernatorial, and lo-
cal election campaigns since 1963. Married; four sons. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1975. Chairman of the Montgomery County Delegation. Member,
Ways and Means Committee; Oversight Committee on the Administrative Release of
Mental Health Patients. 1980 Convention Chairman of the National Order of Women
Legislators. Presently president, Maryland Women's Legislative Caucus. District of-
fice: 11 Schindler Ct., Silver Spring 20903; tel. 439-2332. Annapolis office: 222 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3001.
FREDERICK C. RUMMAGE, Democrat, District 26. Born in Hunlock Creek, Pa.,
March 27, 1931. Graduate of Nanticoke High School, Pennsylvania; Bloomsburg
State College, B.S., 1952; University of Miami Law School, J.D., 1955. Army Intelli-
gence, Washington, D.C., 1956-1958. Executive director and counsel, National Foun-
dation, Washington, D.C. Legislative assistant and counsel. National Association of
Electric Companies. Executive director and counsel. Prince George's County Educa-
tors' Association. Member, Washington, D.C., and Florida Bars. Member, Oxon Hill
and Barkley Democratic Clubs. Member, Rotary Club. President, Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation. Board member, March of Dimes, Metropolitan Washington. Married;
two children, Kama and Ricky. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967. Vice-
chairman, Economic Matters Committee, 1970-1974; chairman, Prince George's
County Delegation, 1975-1979. Member, Legislative Council; Legislative Policy Com-
mittee; Rules Committee. Chairman, Economic Matters Committee since 1979. Resi-
dence: 6300 George Washington Dr., Camp Springs 20748; tel. 899-RUMM. Annapo-
lis office: 151 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3519; Washington area tel. 858-3519.