112/Maryland Manual
LUCILLE MAURER, Democrat, District 19. Born in New York, N.Y., November
21, 1922. University of North Carolina, A.B., 1942; Yale University, M.A., 1945.
Economist. Member, Montgomery County Board of Education, 1960-1968; trustee,
Montgomery Community College, 1960-1968; delegate, Maryland Constitutional
Convention, 1967-1968; National Conference of State Legislatures, Education Com-
mittee, 1974—(committee chair 1978-1979); U.S. Dept. of Education, Intergovern-
mental Advisory Council, 1980-1982; Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Advisory
Committee, 1978-1982; National Council on Postsecondary Accreditation, 1974-1979;
Education Commission of the States, vice-chair, National Planning Committee, Ad-
vanced Leadership Program, 1979-1981; Institute for Educational Leadership, Nation-
al Advisory Board, 1979-1981—. The World Who's Who of Women, 1978—; Who's
Who in American Politics, 1975—; Who's Who in Government, 1975—; Personalities
of the South, 1975—; International Who's Who in Community Service, 1979—; Com-
munity Leaders and Noteworthy Americans, 1979—. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1969. Vice-chair, Montgomery County Delegation, 1972-1978; co-
chair, Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation, 1976—; Ways and Means
Committee since 1971 (chair. Education Subcommittee). Annapolis office: 223C Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3011.
WILLIAM R. McCAFFREY, Democrat, District 27. Born in Washington, D.C., July
28, 1934. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; Southeastern University; Penn-
sylvania State University. Telephone company staff supervisor; sportscaster and sports
columnist. Served in the U.S. Navy Reserve. Chairman, Human Resources and Urban
Affairs Committee, Southern Legislative Conference. Member, Brandywine, Ft. Wash-
ington, Surratts, Nottingham, and Marlborough Democratic Clubs. Member, Tele-
phone Pioneers of America; Surratt Society; Legislative Study Group; Prince George's
Chamber of Commerce; County United Way Executive Board. Member, Elks; Moose;
Clinton American Legion; Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce; Profes-
sional Basketball Writers Association of America; Home Plate Club; Society of Amer-
ican Baseball Research. Managed 1980 A.S.A. National Women's Softball Champions
(Encore). Received 1978 Twentieth Coach Award; VFW Voice of Democracy Cita-
tion. Master of ceremonies. Prince George's Special Olympics. Managed 1980 Wom-
en's A.S.A. National Slow Pitch Softball Champions (Encore Team). Married; four
children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975; vice-chairman. Environmental
Matters Committee. District office: 12405 Lytton Ave., Brandywine 20613; tel.
372-6786. Annapolis office: 161 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3534.
JAMES E. McCLELLAN, Democrat, District 3B. Born in Frederick, March 22,
1926. Attended Massanutten Academy, Woodstock, Va.; University of Maryland;
University of Georgia, D.V.M., 1955. Veterinarian. Served in the U.S. Army; received
E.T.O. with 3 Battle Stars, Army Occupation Medal. Past president, Maryland Board
of Veterinary Examiners; past president. Board of Aldermen, Frederick City. Member,
Elks; Moose; American Legion; Independent Hose Company; Catoctin Club; Cotillion
Club; Farm Bureau; VFW; Jeffersonian Democratic Club; Lions Club; AMVETS;
Chamber of Commerce; Camp Kanawha; Frederick County Agricultural Society. Di-
rector and founder, Francis Scott Key Bank and Trust Company; past president,
Maryland Veterinary Medical Association; past president, Great Frederick Fair, Mar-
ried; 6 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979; member. Environmen-
tal Matters Committee. District office: 215 Rockwell Terr., Frederick 21701; tel.
662-3804. Annapolis office: 324 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3240.
DENNIS C. McCOY, Democrat, District 44. Born in Baltimore, May 26, 1942.
Attended Baltimore City and Baltimore County parochial schools; University of
Maryland, B.S., 1965; University of Baltimore, J.D., 1968; Loyola College, M.B.A.
(Finance), 1973. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1968. Arbitrator, American Arbitra-
tion Association. Commissioner, Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, 1969-1975.
Member, Federal, Maryland State and Baltimore City Bar Associations; American
Trial Lawyers Association; Baltimore Defense Lawyers Association. Assistant treasur-
er, International Conference of Victims of Violent Crimes Board. Past president,
Mayfield Improvement Association. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since
1975; member. Ways and Means Committee. Chairman, Baltimore City Delegation.
Chairman, Joint Committee on Port of Baltimore. District office; 4323 Belair Rd.,
Baltimore 21206; tel. 485-2112. Annapolis office: 314 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.