PAULINE H. MENES, Democrat, District 21. Hunter College. Economist. Mary-
land Arts Council, 1968—; Commission on Aging, 1975—; president. National Or-
der of Women Legislators, 1979-1980; founder, and president, 1977-1979, Women's
Network, National Conference of State Legislatures. Member, Prince George's Wom-
en's Political Caucus; Women's National Democratic Club; National Council of Jew-
ish Women; League of Women Voters; B'nai B'rith Women of Prince George's Coun-
ty; College Park Business and Professional Women; Women's Club of College Park;
College Park Woods Civic Association; College Park Board of Trade. Member, The
Arts and The States Committee, 1980—. National Conference of State Legislatures.
President, Maryland Order of Women Legislators, 1975-1979. Vice-president, Prison-
ers Aid Association of Maryland. Board member, Jewish Social Service Agency,
1978—; Advisory Council, Family Services of Prince George's County, 1975—. Ann
London Scott Award for Legislative Excellence, 1976. College Park BPW Woman of
the Year, 1978. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967. Member, Judiciary
Committee, 1979—; Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1979—; Joint
Oversight Committee on Corrections, 1980—. District office: 3517 Marlbrough Way,
College Park 20740; tel. 935-6270 or 5093. Annapolis office: 210 Lowe Bldg., 21401;
AMERICAN JOE MIEDUSIEWSKI, Democrat, District 46. Bom in Baltimore, Oc-
tober 17, 1949. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Calvert Hall College High
School; University of Baltimore, B.A. Business manager. Served in the Maryland Air
National Guard. Member, Council Committee on Crime. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1975. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law
Committee; Election Laws Revision Task Force; Motion Picture and Television Devel-
opment Council; Board of Directors, Consumer Counseling Service. District office:
625 S. Luzerne Ave., Baltimore 21224; tel. 276-8225. Annapolis office: 316 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3303.
R. CLAYTON MITCHELL, JR., Democrat, District 36. Born in Chestertown, April
16, 1936. Attended Kent County public schools; Goldey Beaeom College. Served in
the U.S. Army. County Commissioner of Kent County, 1966-1970. Member, Gover-
nor's Comprehensive Health Committee; House Appropriations Committee; Joint
Budget & Audit; Intergovernmental Cooperation; Collective Bargaining; Personnel
Policy; Agricultural and Rural Development; Southern Legislative Conference of State
Government; chairman. Health and Environmental Subcommittee; Open Space—for-
mula funding; Delmarva Advisory Council; Special Joint Committee to Study Driver
Education Program; Vocational and Technical Education Committee; Atlantic States
Marine Fisheries Commission; Capital Projects Subcommittee; Joint Subcommittee on
Pensions. Married; three children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971.
Chairman, Eastern Shore Delegation since 1974. Chairman, Appropriations Commit-
tee since 1983; vice-chairman, Spending Affordability Committee. District office:
Kentmore Park, Kennedyville 21645; tel. 348-5500. Annapolis office: 131 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3407.
THOMAS J. MOONEY, Democrat, District 21. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
August 9, 1944. Attended Bishop McDevitt High School, Wyncote, Pa.; University of
Pennsylvania; Temple University, B.A., 1971; Department of Government, George-
town University. Businessman and political consultant. Student body president, Tem-
ple University, 1969-1971; vice-president, U.S. National Student Association, 1971-
1972. Member, Knights of Columbus; vice-president, Langley Park Boys and Girls
Club; president, St. Camillus Home School Association. Member, Voters in Contact;
22nd District Democratic Club. Member, National Political Science Honor Society;
Outstanding Senior, Temple University, 1971; Outstanding Young Men of America,
1979. Two children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979; member, Ways
and Means Committee. District office: 705 Elm Ave., Takoma Park 20912; tel.
270-1271. Annapolis office: 210 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3114; Washington metro
area tel. 858-3114.