JOSEPH V. LUTZ, Democrat, District 35A. Born in Baltimore, May 30, 1948.
Attended Calvert Hall High School; Towson State University, B.S., 1970; The Johns
Hopkins University, M.S., 1979. Computer salesman. Served in Maryland National
Guard, 1970-1973; U.S. Army Reserve, captain, 1973-1979. Member, Forest Hill
Recreation Council; several 35th District Democratic Clubs; co-coordinator, Cedar-
wood Neighborhood Watch Program. Member of family-owned lumber and hardware
business, 1966-1974. Teacher, Baltimore City public schools, 1970-1979. Presently,
account manager, Digital Equipment Corp. Married; 2 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1983; member, Economic Matters Committee. District of-
fice: 527 Applewood Dr., Bel Air 21014; tel. 879-1748. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3289.
TIMOTHY F. MALONEY, Democrat, District 21. Born in LaRochelle, France, June
12, 1956. Attended Archbishop Carroll High School, Washington, D.C.; Georgetown
University. U.S. Senate summer aide, 1969, 1970; Summer Youth Employment Coor-
dinator, Prince George's County, 1971, 1972; staff assistant. National University Ex-
tension and Continuing Education Association, 1973-1977. Member, Beltsville-
Vansville Citizens Association; Knights of Columbus Council #2809; Baltimore
Council on Foreign Affairs; American Council of Young Political Leaders; College
Park-Adelphi Jaycees; Prince George's Mental Health Association; Voters-in-Contact;
Board of Directors, Consumer Credit Counseling Service. Unmarried. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. Member, Appropriations Committee; chairman. Sub-
committee on Law Enforcement and Transportation. Mailing address: P. 0. Box 255,
Beltsville 20705; Home tel. 937-8530. Annapolis office: 210-A Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
KENNETH H. MASTERS, Democrat, District 12. Bom in Washington, D.C., Au-
gust 16, 1943. Attended Charlotte Hall School; Towson State College, B.A., 1965;
University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1972. Attorney. Served in the U.S.
Army; received Combat Infantryman's Badge, Aircraft Crewman's Badge, Vietnam
Service Ribbon, Air Medal, Bronze Star with "V" Device and Oak Leaf Cluster.
Baltimore County Democratic State Central Committee, 1974 (2nd vice-chairman);
chairman. Democratic State Central Committee, 13th Legislative District, 1974. Mem-
ber, Catonsville Business Association; American Legion; VFW; Chesapeake Bay
Foundation; English Consul Democratic Club; Woodlawn Democratic Club; Consoli-
dated Democratic Club; NDC-1. Associate member. Arbutus Community Associa-
tion. Member, American, Maryland State, and Baltimore County Bar Associations.
Member, Westchester Elementary School P.T.A. Married; 2 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. Member, Judiciary Committee. District office: One
Newburg Ave., Catonsville 21228; tel. 747-0407. Annapolis office: 304 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3378.
RICHARD C. MATTHEWS, Republican, District 5A. Bom in Hampstead, July 11,
1926. Attended Hampstead public schools; La Salle University. Auto parts jobber.
Member, Power Plant Siting Advisory Board. Member, Carroll County Republican
State Central Committee, 1962-1966. Alternate delegate, Republican National Con-
vention, 1964. Member, Carroll County Economic Development Commission, 1958-
1962. Past president, Hampstead Chamber of Commerce. Director, Hampstead Bank.
Charter member, Hampstead Lions Club. Member, Elks; Farm Bureau; Izaak Walton
League; St. John's Methodist Church. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1967; member. Judiciary Committee. District office: 1309 Taylor St., Hampstead
21074; tel. 239-3400. Annapolis office: 306 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3371.