IDAMAE GARROTT, Democrat, District 19. Born in Washington, D.C., December
24, 1916. Attended Hyattsville High School; Western Maryland College, A.B., 1936.
Montgomery County Council. 1966-1974 (president, 1971; chairperson, Planning
Committee, 1970-1974); board member, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority, 1972-1974; Washington Suburban Transit Commission, 1971-1974
(chairperson, 1972); Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (president,
1974; chairperson. Land Use Committee, 1969-1974); Solid Waste Management
Agency of Metropolitan Washington, 1969- 1974. President, Montgomery County
League of Women Voters, 1963-1966; president, Montgomery County Humane So-
ciety, 1976-1977; board member, American Society o( Planning Officials, 1970-
1973 (vice-president, 1972-1973); secretary-treasurer, Maryland Association of
Counties, 1973-1974; member, National Panel, National Academy of Public Admin-
istration, 1975-1977; delegate, Montgomery County Civic Federation. Author of
Paying Our Way, Maryland State Taxes and You. Married; 2 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. Member, Ways and Means Committee; Joint Com-
mittee on Energy. District office; 13115 Estelle Rd., Wheaton 20906; tel. 946-4879.
Annapolis office: 221 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3019.
MARILYN GOLDWATER, Democrat, District 16. Born in Boston, Mass., January
29, 1927. Attended Boston public schools; Mt. Sinai Hospital School of Nursing,
R.N., 1948. Faculty Associate, University of Maryland School of Nursing. Former
member, Maryland Council for Higher Education; State Department of Juvenile Ser-
vices; Montgomery County Community Health Advisory Commission. Past presi'
dent, Women's Suburban Democratic Club. Appointed to National Advisory Coun-
cil on Health Professions Education, 1980-1984; Bio-Safety Committee, National
Institutes of Health, 1978. Member, Governor's Task Force on State Mental Health
Systems; National Order of Women Legislators; Nurses Coalition for Action in Poli-
tics; Southern Regional Education Board Commission on Mental Health; League of
Women Voters. Chairperson, Human Resources Committee, National Conference of
State Legislators, 1980-1981. Recipient, Honorary Recognition Award, American
Nurses Association, 1980; Distinguished Service Award, Sigma Theta Tau, 1980;
Award for Legislative Excellence, Maryland National Organization of Women, 1979.
Married. Listed in Who's Who in American Politics. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1975. District office: 5508 Durbin Rd., Bethesda 20014; tel. 656-1226.
Annapolis office: 224 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3028.
ELMER F. HAGNER, JR., Democrat, District 30B. Born in Baltimore, April 7,
1919. Attended Anne Arundel County public schools; graduate, Federal Bureau of
Investigation Academy. Retired Chief of Police, Anne Arundel County. Served with
the U.S. Air Force during World War II. Former member, Police Training Commis-
sion; Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Jus-
tice. Past president and life member of Maryland Chiefs of Police Association. Mar-
ried. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971, District office: 6 Bladen St.,
Annapolis 21401. Annapolis office: 212 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3209.
V. LANNY HARCHENHORN, Republican, District 4B. Bom in Baltimore, Febru-
ary 15, 1943. Graduate, Carroll County public schools; Frederick Community Col-
lege, A.A.; Western Maryland College, A.B.; University of Maryland School of Law,
J.D. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1970, and Federal Bar, 1971. State's attorney
for Carroll County. 1971-1975. Member, Carroll County, Maryland State, and
American Bar Associations and American Judicature Society. Member, Charles Car-
roll Lions Club; Smithsonian Society; New Windsor Volunteer Fire Company; Phi
Alpha Delta Law Fraternity; Pi Oamrna Mu National Social Science Honor Society.
Life member, Carroll County Historical Society. Member, Edgewood Church of the
Brethren. Married Margaret A. Harchenhorn; one son, V, John Harchenhom. Mem-
ber of the House of Delegates since 1975, serving on Judiciary Committee. District
office; 12 N. Court St., Westminster 21157; tel. 876-3888 or 848-3799. Annapolis of-
fice: 219 Lowe Bldg,, 21401; tel. 841-3205.