78/Maryland Manual
JOHN R. HARGREAVES, Democrat, District 35. Born in Algona, Iowa, Decem-
ber 5, 1913. Attended Iowa State University. Business Consultant. Served in the U.S.
Navy during World War II. Member, State Planning Commission. Past president
and member, Caroline County Board of Library Trustees. Former member and presi-
dent of Mayor and Council of Federalsburg. Past director, Poultry and Egg Nation-
al Board; National Broiler Council. Past president, Delmarva Poultry Industries, Inc.
Member, American Legion; Masons; Shrine; V.F.W. Recipient of University of
Maryland Certificate of Merit in Agriculture, 1959; Delmarva Distinguished Citizen
Award, 1962. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967. Chairman,
Appropriations Committee since 1971. Member, Legislative Council, 1971-1975;
Legislative Policy Committee since 1976. Vice-chairman (1971-1974) and member,
Joint Budget and Audit Committee; chairman, Joint Committee on Pensions. Mem-
ber, Commission on Compensation and Personnel Policies; Committee on Manage-
ment of Public Funds. District office: Rt. 2, Box 44-L, Denton 21629; tel. 479-2640.
Annapolis office: 131 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3410.
HATTIE N. HARRISON, Democrat, District 45. Born in Lancaster, South Caroli-
na. Attended Charlotte, North Carolina, and Baltimore City public schools. Gradu-
ate of Antioch College. School teacher. Consultant to Mott Foundation, Flint, Mich-
igan; International Community Education Association, Melbourne, Australia.
President, Maryland Association for Community Education. Appointed to National
Community Education Advisory Council. Former member, Baltimore City Demo-
cratic State Central Committee; Commission on Women. Member, Eastside Demo-
cratic Organization; Maryland Association for Mental Health; Citizens for Fair
Housing; League of Women Voters; NAACP; Y.W.C.A.; East Baltimore Women's
League; National Laboratory for the Advancement of Education. Recipient of nu-
merous service awards. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1973. First
Black woman to chair a legislative committee (Rules and Executive Nominations
Committee). District office: 2503 E. Preston St., Baltimore 21213, tel. 342-4414 or
4415. Annapolis office: 323 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3325.
HENRY R. HERGENROEDER, JR, Democrat, District 43. Born in Baltimore,
October 26, 1943. Attended Baltimore City public and private schools; Baltimore
Community College; University of Baltimore, B.S., 1966; Virginia-Maryland Bankers
School, 1976. Employed in private industry. Member, Maryland Commission on
Functions of Government; Special Committee to Study Child Labor Laws. Director,
Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Maryland, Inc.; vice-president and past trea-
surer, Legislative Study Group, Inc. Received McConnick Unsung Hero Award and
YMCA Youth Award, 1972. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates since
1967. District office: 6000 Harford Rd., Baltimore 21214; tel. 426-3626. Annapolis
office: 321 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3308.
CARTER M. HICKMAN, Democrat, District 34. Born in Delaware, August 25,
1910. Attended Church Hill public schools; Washington College, B.S., 1931; Colum-
bia University, M.A., 1934; University of Maryland. Real estate broker. Fanner.
Former feed and grain dealer. Former high school teacher and principal. Member,
Governor's Commission to Study the Problems of Drug Addiction. Member, State
Board of Education Advisory Committee on Contemporary Issues. Director,
Chestertown Bank of Maryland. Member, Lions; Masons. Member, Board of Trust-
ees and Lay Delegate, Church Hill Methodist Church. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1963. Chairman, Capital Budget Committee, 1967 Session.
Chairman, Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review Committee since 1972.
Vice-chairman, Judiciary Committee since 1973. District office: Walnut Hill Farm,
Church Hill 21623; tel. 758-1687. Annapolis office: 404 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.