76/Maryland Manual
RAYMOND A. DYPSKI, Democrat, District 47. Born in Baltimore, June 21, 1923.
Attended Baltimore public schools. Metallurgical tester. Served in the U.S. Merchant
Marine, 1943-1945. Member, Y.M.C.A. Unmarried. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1967. District office: 2824 Dillon St., Baltimore 21224. Annapolis office;
325 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3303.
NATHANIEL EXUM, Democrat, District 25. Born in Memphis, Tenn., February
28, 1940. Attended Memphis public schools; Howard University. Served in the U.S.
Army. Membci, Maryland Legislative Black Caucus; board of directors. Family
Service of Prince George's County; board of directors. Capital Centre; Landover
Kiwanis Club; trustee. Metropolitan A.M.E. Church. Former member. Prince
George's County Goals Advisory Committee. Member, Ploughmen and Fishermen
of Prince George's County; 25th District Democratic Alliance; NAACP; Peppermill
Village Citizens Association; Arlene Drive Block Club; Stephen Decatur Jr. High
School PTA. President of Integral Construction Co., Inc., engaged in heavy con-
struction. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. District office:
5611 Landover Rd., Hyattsville 20784; tel. 277-7501. Annapolis office: 204 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3065.
ROBIN PICKER, Republican, District 15B. Born in Montgomery County.
Attended Montgomery County public schools; U.S. Military Academy; Case Insti-
tute of Technology, B.S.; University of Pennsylvania Law School; University of
Baltimore Law School, J.D.; American University, M.A. in Public Administration.
Attorney. Served in the U.S. Army Reserves. Delegate, Montgomery County Civic
Federation; member, C & 0 Canal Association; Montgomery County Taxpayers
League. Outstanding Montgomery Countian, Allied Civic Group, 1977. Placed Sixth
Referenda on Montgomery County ballot, 1974-1980. National AAU Submasters
Pentathlon Champion, 1978; 600 yd. run, 1979. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1979. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee; Joint Com-
mittee on the Management of Public Funds; Special Joint Committee on Vocational
Rehabilitation. District office: 7526 Glennon Dr., W. Bethesda 20034; tel. 365-2921.
Annapolis office: 220 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3045.
JENNIE M. FOREHAND, Democrat, District 17. Born in Nashville, Tennessee,
December 17. 1935. Attended Charlotte, N.C., public schools; Woman's College of
the University of North Carolina; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S.
in Industrial Relations. Former teacher, juvenile court probation counselor, and
business woman. Member, Montgomery County Health Services Planning Board;
Maryland Community Mental Health Council, 1976-1979; commissioner, Rockville
Civic Improvement Advisory Commission; Rockville Economic Development Coun-
cil; Montgomery County Board of Education Medical Advisory Committee, 1976-
1978; Rockville citizens' study group on Goals and on Commissions; Mid-Maryland
Lung Association (board of directors); Woodley Gardens West Civic Association
(past president); AAUW; Women's Political Caucus; Peerless Rockville Historic
Preservation, Ltd; Questers. Scout leader; member, Rockville United Methodist
Church. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1978. Mem-
ber, House Appropriations Committee; Subcommittee on Health and the Environ-
ment; Joint Capital Budget Committee. District office: 712 Smallwood Rd., Rock-
ville 20850; tel. 762-4772. Annapolis office: 224 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3028.