ANTHONY M. DiPIETRO, JR., Democrat, District 46. Bom in Baltimore, March
8, 1935. Attended City College High School; University of Baltimore. Businessman.
Served in the U.S. Army. Member, Order of Sons of Italy in America. Past district
commissioner. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts of America. Married; 3 children, 1 grand-
daughter. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Annapolis office; 324 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3314.
ISAIAH (IKE) DIXON, JR., Democrat, District 38. Born in Baltimore. Attended
Baltimore parochial schools, public schools, and colleges; Howard University, D.C.
Businessman, realtor, and insurance broker. Veteran. Married; son. Member o( the
House of Delegates since 1967. Authored bill to give safe driving credit to insureds
in the Assign Risk Plan. Member, Government Operations Committee of National
Conference of State Legislatures. Elected delegate (7th Congressional District) to the
Democratic Mini-Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, 1974. Elected delegate (7th
Congressional District) to the Democratic National Convention in New York City,
1976. Advisory board member of the Advance Federal Savings and Loan Associa-
tion. Member, Central Maryland Health Systems Sub-Area Council; Greater
Baltimore Board of Realtors Arbitration Panel; board of directors, Baltimore Aquar-
ium. Member, NAACP. NAACP's Certificate of Honor, 1970; Calverton Junior
High School Certificate of Merit, 1972; the Joint Center for Political Studies Certifi-
cate of Training in Management. Member, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. District of-
fice: 1607 W. North Ave., Baltimore 21217; tel. 462-3400. Annapolis office: 315
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3263.
DENNIS (DENNY) C. DONALDSON, Democrat, District 26. Born in Washing-
ton, D.C., June 9, 1938. Attended Suitland Senior High School; Prince George's
Community College; American University, certificate in Police Administration; Met-
ropolitan Police, D.C., certificate, administrative, supervisory. Served in the U.S. Air
Force Reserves. Chairman, Bicentennial Committee for City of District Heights,
1978; recreation coordinator. Recreation Council for City of District Heights, 1973-
1978. Member, Board of Directors, District Heights Boys and Girls Club (former
vice-president and president); C.Y.O.; Metropolitan Police Boys' Club, D.C.; former
shop steward and Apprentice Committee chairman. International Typographical
Union; Retired Policemen Association; Knights of Columbus; Bishop McNamara
High School Fathers Club; adult advisor. Explorers Law Enforcement Post, BSA.
Married; 3 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Member, Appro-
priations Committee; Law Enforcement and State Appointed Board Committee; Ju-
venile Justice Committee. District office: 6108 Silver Hill Road, Suite 216, District
Heights 20028; tel. 420-7050. Annapolis office: 208 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
JOHN W. DOUGLASS, Democrat, District 45. Bom in Princess Anne, Somerset
County, March 19, 1942. Attended Lincoln University, cum laude, A.B., 1964; The
Johns Hopkins University, M.A., 1966. General contractor; former insurance broker
and instructor. Industrial consultant. Clerk, Baltimore City Council, 1967-1968. Re-
cipient of many fellowships and awards. Member and past president, American
Chemical Society. Past president. Business Men's League of Baltimore; Beta Kappa
Chi. Member, Associated Builders and Contractors; Baltimore Chamber of Com-
merce; Business Opportunities Administration. Member, Mt. Royal Democratic
Club; New Democratic Club; New Democratic Coalition; Young Democrats of
Maryland. Vice-president, Eastside Democratic Organization. Member, Model Cities
Program; Alpha Phi Alpha; Adjacent Neighborhood Improvements Association.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971. Chairman, Joint Budget and
Audit Committee. District office: 2503 E. Preston St., Baltimore, 21213; tel.
342-4414. Annapolis office: 323 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3325.