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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/739

Graf, Charles .............

............. 475

Greene, Jack P. .........

............... 295

Graham, Andrew Jay .......

............. 392

Greene, Nathan .........

............... 347

Graham, Eugene A. ........

............. 217

Greene, Robert E. ........

........... .494, 496

Graham, J. Norman ........

...... 272, 474, 475

Greene, Saretha Gaskins . . .

............... 219

Graham, John L. .... .....

............. 149

Greene, Thomas .........

............... 603

Graham, Richard ..........

............. 494

Greene, W. Hayward ......

............... 525

Graham, Robert P. .........

......... .613, 614

Greenfeld, Martin B. ......

........ 384, 404, 458

Grahame, Charles ..........

...... 605, 619, 623

Greenhaigh, William W. ...

............... 336

Grahamer, Louis T., Jr. ......

............. 501

Gregg, Barbara B. ........

................ 505

Gramkow, Edwin, Mrs. ......

............. 149

Gregg, Ernest J., Jr. ......

........... .491,492

Granados, Michael R. .......

............. 508

Gregory, Chester ........

............... 356

Granek, David J. ..........

............. 231

Gremillion, Gardner, Mrs. . .

............... 488

Granger, Walter ...........

............. 479

Grief, Dora ............

................ 609

Granger, William ..........

............. 623

Grier, George A. ........

............ .272, 474

Granke, Mable ............

.......... 373, 505

Griffen, Agnes M. ........

............... 504

Grant, James P. ...........

............. 461

Griffin, John R. .........

............... 105

Grant, Jerome D. ..........

............. 344

Griffin, W. Earl .........

............. 275, 280

Grant, John A. ............

...... 235, 471, 501

Griffin, William P. .......

............... 520

Grant, Lucille .............

............. 345

Griffith, Earl ...........

............... 135

Grant, Rhett .............

............. 529

Griffith, Edward A. ......

............ .285, 357

Grant, T. Earl ............

............. 529

Griffith, Jane ...........

............... 499

Grant, William W. .........


Griffith, Jeff ............

............... 475

Grason, C. Gus ...........

............. 617

Griffith, John B. .........

............... 115

Grason, Richard ...........

......... .607, 617

Griffith, Timothy W. ......

............ .213, 501

Graaon, William ...........

......... .607,620

Griffith, Wiley ..........

............... 506

Graves, Charles B. .........

............. 436

Grimes, A. Olin .........

............... 476

Gray, Carolyn ............

............. 469

Grindle, Gerald J. ........

................ 535

Gray, David P. ............

......... .469, 489

Gring, Norman L. .......

................ 159

Gray, George T. ...........

............. 106

Grinnell, Charles ........

................ 484

Gray, Hollis ..............

............. 539

Griswold, Mac K., Mrs. . . .

................ 330

Gray, Mervin C. ...........

............. 259

Grobaker, Sharon B. ......

............... 477

Gray, Ralph A. ...........

......... .433,436

Groben, William G. ......

................ 182

Gray, Robert J. ...........

......... .473, 499

Grodsky, Milton A. ......

................ 359

Gray, Robert R. ...........

............. 536

Grogan, Alice ...........

............... 472

Gray, Vernon .............

.............. 38

Grogan, George .........

............ .475,476

Gray, W. Gary ............

.............. 27

Groh, Vincent R. ........

................ 622

Graybeal, W. Eugene ........

............. 494

Grollman, Julius .........

............... 513

Grayson, Howard A. ........

............. 511

Groner, Beverly Anne .....

................ 294

Grayson, V. David .........

............. 435

Groner, Samuel B. ......

................ 294

Green, Edwin B. ...........

............. 199

Groome, James B. ........

........ 608, 621, 625

Green, Gareth ............

............. 300

Groome, John Charles .....

............... 608

Green, Gary Q. ...........

............. 437

Grooms, Robert R. .......

......... 171, 173, 488

Green, Joan E. ............

............. 437

Gross, Betty ............

............... 469

Green, John L. ............

......... .167, 181

Gross, Rodney ..........

............... 457

Green, Lawrence ...........

............. 197

Gross, William H., Jr. . . . . .

............... 291

Green, Martena ...........

............. 460

Grossnickle, Maurice E. . . . .

................ 345

Green, Melinda ...........

............. 300

Grossnickle, Richard L. . . . ,

...... 486, 487, 489, 490

Green, R. Lamar ..........

............. 235

Grotos, Dorothy T. .......

............... 366

Green, Robert ............

............. 282

Groutt, John W. .........

................ 213

Green, Sidney A. ..........

............. 217

Grove, Garry ...........

................ 182

Green, Thomas I. ..........

............. 488

Grover, Eve R. ..........

................ 142

Green, Washington .........

............. 341

Grover, Wayne W. .......

................ 468

Green, William ............

............. 472

Groves, E. Lawrence ......

................ 492

Greenage, William ..........

............. 473

Groves, John A. .........

................ 501

Greenberg, Edwin ..........

............. 105

Grubb, Kenneth B. .......

................ 479

Greenberg, Jill Moss ........

............. 214

Gruber, Henry G. ........

............... 501

Greenberry, Nicholas ........

............. 604

Gruber, Henry T. ........

................ 200

Greenblatt, Marian L. .......

............. 504

Gruhl, Andrea M. .......

................ 498

Greenblatt, Rena Z. ........

............. 305

Grumbacher, Richard . . . . .

............ 522, 622

Greene, Albert C. ..........

............. 620

Guaragna, Frank A. .....

................ 149

Greene, Alexander J. ........

............. 503

Guarnieri, Susan ........

................ 460

Greene, Carroll, Jr. .........

............. 148

Gucker, Richard A. ......

................ 316

Greene, David L. ..........

............. 477

Gude, Gilbert ..........

................ 630

Greene, Edmund M. ........

............. 472

Gude, Jane C. .........

................ 150

Greene, Irvin S., Jr. .........

............. 440

Gudis, Michael L. .......

................ 503


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