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740/Maryland Manual







Guenzer, Phillip .........

............... 478

Hall, Lawrence H. .......

............... 229

Guerra, Bertha ..........

............... 535

Hall, Leroy A. ..........

............... 287

Guild, Nelson P. .........

............ 324, 357

Hall, R. Paul ...........

............... 526

Guild, R. J., Mrs. ........

............... 488

Hall, Raymond A. .......

............... 540

Guild, Stanley, Jr ...

.......... 464

Hall, Roberta J. .........

........... ,213, 512

Gulbrandsen, Oskar. Mrs. . .

............... 501

Hall, Russell D. .........

............... 540

Gullett, William W. .......

........... .510. 622

Hall, Suzanne ...........

............... 576

Gunther, Paul L. ........

............... 513

Hall, Terry F. ...........

................ 37

Gurevich, Norman M. .....

............... 300

Hall, Thomas I. .........

............... 621

Gurley, Nadeane .........

............... 149

Hall, Thomas W. ........

........... .611, 612

Gustafson, Carl A., Sr. ....

............... 501

Hall, Vera P. ...........

............ 356, 434

Guth, Lloyd ............

............... 184

Hall, Wallace ...........

............... 469

Outline, Eugene H. .......

........... .484, 520

Hall-Craggs, E. B. ........

............... 184

Guthrie, William P. .......

............... 577

Halla, Bernard F. ........

............... 243

Guy, Bernard M. ........

............... 345

Halle, Patricia ..........

............... 461

Guy, William I. .........

............... 526

Halligan, Arthur J. .......

............... 359

Guye, Robert ...........

............... 291

Hallock, Gordon P. .......

............... 144

Guyther, J. Roy .........

............... 199

Hallstead, William F., Ill ...

............... 346

Guyton, Gail T, Mr. ......

............... 488

Halpin, W. G. ..........

............... 282

Gwinn, Charles J. M. .....

........... .619, 620

Hambleton, Robert R. .....

............... 521

Gwynn, Alfred P. ........

............... 272

Hambleton, Samuel .......

............... 628





Hamburger, Betty K. ......

........ 305, 433, 435





Hamburger, Nathan ......

............... 278

Haas, Theodore A. .,.,...

............... 480

Hamer, Irvin ...........

............... 300

Habel, Ethel P. ..........

............... 186

Hamer, Thomas .........

............... 495

Hackerman, Benjamin L. ...

............... 153

Hamill, James P. .........

........... .440, 469

Hackett, William T. ......

............... 464

Hamill, Patrick ..........

............... 628

Haddaway, Robert C. .....

............... 521

Hamilton, Henry ........

............... 608

Haehle, Robert ..........

............... 499

Hamilton, John M. .......

............ 173, 498

Hafner, Gloria ..........

............... 474

Hamilton, L. Martin ......

............... 499

Hagaman, Robin ........

............... 508

Hamilton, R. Margaret ....

............... 452

Hagan, Earl L. ..........

............... 229

Hamilton, Ricardo .......

............... 482

Hagedorn, A. W. ........

............... 230

Hamilton, Richard L. .....

............ 176, 195

Hageman, Harold A. ......

............... 479

Hamilton, Robert ........

............... 453

Hager, Guy ............

............... 495

Hamilton, Ruth B. .......

............... 185

Hagner, Elmer F. ........

............. 45,77

Hamilton, T. Burgess, Sr. . . .

............... 464

Haigh, Steven ...........

............... 175

Hamilton, Wayne B. ......

............ 348, 492

Haile, Walter Reekord .....

........ 382, 404, 464

Hamilton, William T. .....

..608, 610, 624, 625,628

Haines, Lowell T. ........

............... 475

Hammann, Henry P. ......

............... 205

Haines, Ray M. .........

............... 477

Hammed, Janet B. .......

............... 520

Hairston, Alonzo P. ......

............... 579

Hammen, Donald G. ......

............... 459

Haislip, Andrew L., Jr. ....

............... 392

Hammerman, Dwight M. ...

............... 152

Halbert, Virgil A. ........

............... 190

Hammerman, Robert I. H. . .

........ 384, 404, 458

Hales, Frank White .......

............... 527

Hammersia, Carter, Mrs. . . .

............... 456

Hales, Steven V. .........

............... 529

Hammett, Samuel J. ......

............... 470

Haley, C. C., Jr. .........

............... 197

Hammond, Edward .......

............... 628

Halford, Douglas J. .......

............... 488

Hammond, Edward H., Jr. . .

............... 527

Hall, Annette Howard .....

............... 193

Hammond, Geraldine W. ...

............... 518

Hall, Avery W. ..........

........ 185, 231, 277

Hammond, Hall .........

........ 617, 618, 619

Hall, Benjamin ..........

........... .619, 623

Hammond, Lloyd J. ......

............... 117

Hall, Beverly ...........

............... 213

Hammond, Nicholas ......

............... 623

Hall, Bruce S. ...........

............... 442

Hammond, Onnond D. ....

............... 621

Hall, Daniel ............

............... 478

Hammond, Phyllis A. .....

............... 346

Hall, Edward ...........

........... .611.615

Hammond, Rezin ........


Hall, Edward B. .........

............... 456

Hammond, William .......

............... 466

Hall, Elizabeth ..........

............... 185

Hampton, Paul ..........

............... 515

Hall, Guy H. ...........

............... 132

Hance, Young D. ........

........... .469,470

Hall, Jack .............

............... 494

Hancock, Chuck .........

............... 511

Hall, JoAnn E. ..........

............... 541

Hancock, Roy E. ........

............... 482

Hall, John .............

........ 605, 619, 622

Hancock, Winfield Scott . . .

............... 631

Hall, John E. ...........

........ 135, 502, 513

Handel, Deborah K. ......

........... .113, 114

Hall, John R. ...........

............... 442

Handen, Allen ..........

............... 468

Hall, John W., IV ........

............... 516

Handley, James .........

............... 485

Hall, Josias C. ..........

.............. .611

Hands, Thomas Bedingfield .

............... 605

Hall, Kathleen ..........

............... 213

Handwerk, Mark H. ......

............... 345


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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