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738/Maryland Manual







Gilooly, Genevive D. .........

............ 482

Goldsborough, William . .

................. 621

Gilpin, Joseph .............

........ .619, 623

Goldsborough, William N.

................. 491

Giro, Jorge A. .............

............ 149

Goldsborough, William T.

............. .620, 621

Gisell, W. Henry ............

............ 501

Goldsmith, David H. ....

................. 509

Gisriel, W. Thomas ..........

........ .219,460

Goldsmith, Diana G. . . . .

................. 114

Gisselbeck, Loren ...........

............ 475

Goldsmith, Joanne T. ...

............. .317, 321

Gittings, John S. ............

............ 613

Goldsmith, Robert H. ...

.......... 433,437, 515

Gladden, Kenneth ...........

............ 291

Goldsmith, Ronny J. ....

................. 460

Gladhill, Franklin S. .........

............ 489

Goldstein, Frank ......

................. 504

Gladhill, John Calvin ........

............ 440

Goldstein, Herbert .....

................. 310

Gladstein, Solomon ..,,......

............ 180

Goldstein, Lawrence B. . .

................. 111

Glaser, Darrow .............

............ 117

Goldstein, Louis L. .....

. ... 21, 105, 107, 108, 1)0,

Glaser, Edmund M. .........

............ 196

163, 219, 247, 248, 268, 293,

Glass, Gerald D. ............

............ 353


309, 328, 329, 366, 614, 615

Glaubitz, Gerald A. .........

............ 539

Goldstein, Louisa H. ....

................. 117

Gleason, James P. ...........

............ 622

Goldstein, S. William . . .

................. 295

Gleeksman, Alfred, Mrs. ......

............ 186

Goldwater, Marilyn .....

............. 34, 42, 77

Gleig, James L. .............

............ 499

Gomoljak, John .......

................. 457

Glendening, Parris N. ........

............ 507

Gompf, Arthur M. .....

................. 278

Glenn, David L. ............

............ 333

Gonce, George J. ......

................. 188

Glenn, Eloise ..............

............ 291

Gontrum, John B. ......

................. 613

Glenn, Norman, Mrs. ........

............ 525

Gonzalez, Herman .....

................. 478

Click, Charlotte ............

............ 195

Gonzalez, Nancie L. ....

................. 358

Glick, Michael B. ...........

............ 497

Goodall, Phil .........

................. 440

Glisson, Verna .............

............ 186

Goodlander, Edwin R. ...

. . . 195, 252, 256, 257, 263,

Gluckstern, Nonna B. ........

..... 262, 264, 326



314, 326

Gluckstern, Robert L. ........

............ 358

Goodman, Dickee H. ....

................. 117

Gmeiner, Leonard F. .........

............ 178

Goodman, Irvin .......

................. 474

Gnegy, Troy R. ............

............ 491

Goodman, Loren ......

................. 505

Gobbel, Jean M. ............

............ 497

Goodman, Philip H. ....

................. 632

Godbout, Dana ............

............ 187

Goodwin, James .......

................. 291

Goddard, Benjamin ..........

............ 516

Goodwin, William M., Jr.

................. 222

Godfrey, George H. .........

............ 513

Gordon, Barbara J. A. ...

................. 214

Godwin, Winfred L. .........

............ 325

Gordon, Harold .......

................. 183

Goedeke, M. Thomas ........

............ 498

Gordon, Herbert .......

................. 363

Goetz, Arthur H. ...........

............ 525

Gordon, Rita S. .......

.............. 300, 487

Goetze, Marian E. ...........

........ .213, 222

Gordon, Robert A. .....

................. 263

Goichochea, Aurelio F. .......

............ 212

Gordon, Seaven .......

................. 488

Goines, Pauline .............

............ 297

Gordon, Stuart J. ......

................. 504

Golato, A. James ...........

............ 509

Gordon, William R. ....

................. 509

Gold, Barry ...............

......... 354, 465

Gordy, Harold B., Jr. ...

................. 392

Gold, Sally B. .............

............ 115

Gordy, Hugh M. ......

................. 392

Goldberger, Arnold ..........

............ 223

Gordy, Richard D. .....

................. 543

Golden, Archie S. ...........

............ 200

Gordy, William S., Jr. ...

................. 614

Golden, Ed ...............

............ 241

Gore, Louise .........

............. .437, 610

Golden, Edwin R. ...........

............ 341

Gorfine, Emanuel ......

................. 616

Goldenberg, Jean V. .........

............ 291

German, Arthur Pue ....

....... 610, 615, 616, 625

Goldensohn, Bruce A. ........

............ 536

Gormer, Anne L. ......

................. 392

Goldfaden, Benjamin .........

............ 509

Gosier, L. James .......

................. 494

Goldfein, Jerome ............

............ 460

Goslee, Cora V. B. .....

............. .185, 525

Goldman, Herbert ...........

............ 219

Gosnell, June .........

................. 474

Goldsborough, Brice John .....

............ 617

Gosnell, Ruth A. ......

................. 466

Goldsborough, Charles .......

..... 606, 626, 627

Gott, Donald C. .......

................. 470

Goldsborough, Charles R., Jr. . .

............ 116

Gott, Edwin ..........

................. 613

Goldsborough, Elizabeth ......

............ 606

Gott, John M. ........

................. 435

Goldsborough, Henry H. ......

. . . . . 614, 615, 620

Gott, Warren .........

................. 468

Goldsborough, M. Worthington .

............ 609

Gottemoeller, F. J. .....

................. 280

Goldsborough, Phillips Lee ....

. .609, 610, 614, 625

Goudy, Harry Chester, Jr.

.......... 384, 404, 454

Goldsborough, Robert ........

. .... 605, 619, 622

Gough, Joseph M. .....

................. 515

Goldsborough, Robert, Jr. .....

............ 623

Gough, Joseph M., Jr. ...

................. 273

Goldsborough, Robert, Sr. .....

............ 623

Gough, W. Edelen, Jr. ...

................. 515

Goldsborough, Robert H. .....

............ 624

Gould, Ray S. ........

................. 256

Goldsborough, Sarah .........

............ 606

Gould, Wm. Dunbar ....

.......... 385, 414, 500

Goldsborough, T. Alan .......

............ 629

Govans, John J., Jr. ....

................. 495

Goldsborough, Victoria .......

............ 472

Grady, J. Harold ......

. ...384, 404, 458, 579,632


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