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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/737



........... 609



............... 437



........... 505

George, Chris W. ........

............... 251



........... 195



............... 313

Gambrill, Stephen W. .........

........... 629



............... 620



............ 616



............... 621

Gantt, John Mackall ..........

........... 616



............... 437



........... 503

George, Paul M. .........

............... 440



........... 456



............... 218



........... 483



............... 194

Gardiner, Hugh C., Ill ........

........... 483

Gerard, Kenneth F. .......

............... 470

Gardiner, W. Paul ............

........... 482

Gerber, Lloyd M. ........

............... 235

Gardner, Albert J., Jr. .........

........... 296



............... 466

Gardner, Betty K. ............

. 213, 316, 525, 526



................ 38

Gardner, George W. ..........

........... 515



............... 503

Gardner, H. William ..........

........... 455



............... 230



........... 472



............... 222



............ 305



............... 515



............ 513



........ 389, 414, 451



............ 621



........ 385, 414, 459



........... 154



........ 384, 404, 451



........... 466



............... 435

Garland, Thomas A. ..........

........... 392

Getz, Janette S. .........

............ 292, 436

Garletts, Merle .............

............ 492



............... 190



............ 630

Getz, Stanley ...........

............... 347



. . . . . 388, 414, 464



........ 229, 235, 300



............ 470



........... .611, 612



......... 224, 233



............... 436

Garnett, Charles B. ..........

............ 508



............... 348



............ 441

Gibbons, William L. ......

............... 482



........ .321, 323

Gibbs, W. H. Holden .....

............... 292

Garrett, Bert W. ............

............ 482

Gibbs, William Edward, Jr. .

............... 536

Garrett, Debra .............

............ 489

Gibson, Charles H. .......

........... .625, 628



...... 37, 298, 391



............... 609

Garrett, Wallace T. ..........

............ 457



............... 511



........ 36, 43, 58



............... 619



....... 43, 77, 298



............. .37, 391



............ 281

Gibson, Robert ..........

................ 200



............ 459



............... 621



. . 319, 463, 610, 632

Gideon, William G. .......

................ 456



............ 457

Gitfen, Sallie A. .........

............... 358



......... 392, 495

Gitford, Lloyd G. ........

............... 440



............ 614

Gilbert, Ana ...........

................ 506



............ 609



................ 356

Gaston, Amett W. ..........

............ 508

Gilbert, Harry, Mrs. .....

................ 453

Gately, Mark D. ............

............ 118

Gilbert, Kathleen ........

............... 462



............ 478

Gilbert, Richard P. .......

379, 390, 394, 398, 618

Gates, Francis W. ...........

............ 341

Gilchrist, Charles W. ......

......... 141, 503, 621



............ 114



................ 436

Gatton, Alfred A. ...........

............ 515

Gildner, Carol .........

................ 312

Gatton, John 0., Sr. .........

............ 228



................ 172

Gault, Albert W. ...........

............ 503

Giles, Sarah L. ..........

............ .118, 230

Gault, Calvin ..............

............ 291

Giles, Wilbur C. .........

................ 158

Gauvey, Susan K. ...........

............ 115

Giles, William F. ........

................ 627



............ 291



................ 235



............ 345

Gill, George M. ........

................ 621



............ 491

Gill, George 0., Ill ......

................ 439



............ 478

Gill, John, Jr. ..........

................ 629



............ 434



................ 456

Gehr. Elizabeth B.

........ 475

Gill, Richard W. .......

............... 618



............ 475

Gill, Rubye H. .........

................ 622

Gell, Robert L. .............

............ 478

Gill, Stanton A. ........

................ 506

Gelman, Esther ............

............ 503

Gillam, Karen A. .......

................ 479

Gelston, George M. ..........

............ 614

Gillelan, Ann Stinson ....

................ 520

Gemmill, M. Robert .........

............ 499

Gillis, Esther ...........

................ 606

Gentry, James O'C. ..........

............ 462

Gilmore, Donald J. .......

......... 384, 404, 474


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