58/Maryland Manual
ROBERT L. DOUGLASS, Democrat, District 45. Born in Winnsboro, S.C., June
23, 1928. Attended Baltimore City public schools; Morgan State University, B.S.,
1953; The Johns Hopkins University, B.S., 1962. Electronics engineer and corporate
executive. Served in the U.S. Army, 1953-1955. President of Eastside Democratic
Organization. Vice-chairman, National Association of Black Manufactures. Member,
Baltimore Qty Council, 1967-1974; NAACP; former member. Provident Hospital
Board. Co-publisher, Metropolitan Magazine. Married. Member of the Senate since
1975. Chairman, Maryland Legislative Black Caucus, 1976-1977, 1978-1980. Dis-
trict office: 2503 E. Preston Street, Baltimore 21213; tel. 342-4414 or 4415. Annapo-
lis office: 202 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3656.
CORNELL N. DYPSKI, Democrat, District 47. Born in Baltimore, September 23,
1931. Attended Baltimore City public schools; University of Baltimore. Employed by
the Motor Vehicle Administration as Alcohol Education Program Coordinator.
Member of Canton Improvement Association; Southeast Community Organization;
Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fells Point. Married. Member of the
Senate since 1973. District office: 638 S. Decker Avc.i Baltimore 21224, tel.
276-1974. Annapolis office: 307 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3603.
JOHN J. GARRITY, Democrat, District 22. Bom in New Haven, Conn., December
3, 1933. Attended Brattleboro, Vermont, parochial schools; Montgomery Junior Col-
lege; University of North Carolina; The American University, B.A., 1961; The
American University School of Law, J.D., 1963. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1964. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1955-1959. Member, Governor's Commission on
Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. Former Assistant Attorney
General of Maryland, 1969-1971; Assistant State's Attorney for Prince George's
County, 1967-1969. Member, County Council of Prince George's County, 1971-
1974, and chairman, 1973. National vice-chairman. Judiciary Committee of the Na-
tional Association of Counties, 1974. Past president. Young Democrats of Prince
George's County, 1969-1970. Dean, law fraternity. Delta Theta Phi, Montgomery
and Prince George's County, 1969. Charter member, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
Founder, "Breakfast of Champions, Inc.," Prince George's County. Director, Boys
Club of Prince George's County. Married. Member of House of Delegates, 1975-
1978. Vice-chairman, Prince George's County House Delegation, 1975-1978. Mem-
ber, House Ways and Means and Joint Committee on Budget and Audit, 1975-
1978. Member of the Senate since 1978. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee.
District office: 4314 Hamilton St., Hyattsville 20781; tel. 779-4540. Annapolis office:
302 James Bldg. 21401; tel. 841-3145.
ARTHUR H. HELTON, Democrat, District 6. Born in Swords Creek, Va., Decem-
ber 18, 1937. Attended Harford County public schools; University of Baltimore,
B.S., 1960. Owner of automobile supply store. Member, Harford County Council,
1972-1974. Member, Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce; Jaycees; Harford County
Farm Bureau; B.P.O.E.; Moose; American Association of the U.S. Army; Harford
Democratic Club; 1st District Democratic Club; North Harford Democratic Club.
Received Jaycees J.C.I. International Senator Award, 1974; Five Outstanding Young
Men of Maryland Award, 1972; Distinguished Service Award; Outstanding Young
Men in America Award. Married. Member of Senate since 1975. District office: P.O.
Box 696, Aberdeen Community Services Bldg., Aberdeen 21001; tel. 273-6670 or
575-6759. Annapolis office: 214 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3631.