VICTOR CUSHWA, Democrat, District 2. Bom in Hagerstown, October 22, 1924.
Attended Duke University; Harvard University; Georgetown University, B.S., 1948.
Served in the U.S. Navy, WWII, Destroyers, Pacific Fleet. State Treasurer, Maryland
Democratic Campaign, 1964; past president. Young Democrats, Washington County;
past chairman, 208 Water Quality Management Program for the Upper Potomac
River Basin; current vice-president, Hagerstown/Washington County Industrial Park
Foundation. Member, Lions; American Legion; Southern Engineering Society.
Home: "Cloverton," Williamsport, Md. Wife, Patricia; son, Victor Mathew. Member
of the Senate since 1977. Constitutional and Public Law Committee, 1977; Economic
Affairs Committee since 1978; Legislative Ethics Committee; Joint Committee on
Metropolitan Mass Transit Oversight. District office: 49 Summit Avenue, P.O. Box
608, Hagerstown 21740; tel. 791-2900. Annapolis office: 309 James Bldg., 21401; tel.
HOWARD A. DENIS, Republican, District 16. Born November 21, 1939. Graduat-
ed Bethesda-Chfvy Chase High School, 1957; Georgetown College, A.B., 1961;
Georgetown Law Center, 1965. Former aide to Maryland House and Senate Minori-
ty Leaders. Married, one daughter. Member of Congregation Beth El in Bethesda,
Montgomery County. Member of the Senate since 1977. District office: 7979 Old
Georgetown Rd., Suite 700, Bethesda 20014; tel. 657-2500. Annapolis office: 408
James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3124.
B. W. MIKE DONOVAN, Democrat, District 26. Bora in Baltimore. Attended
Baltimore parochial schools; Butler University; University of Maryland. Real estate
broker. Served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II and until 1964.
Past president, Alben Barkley Democratic Club. Member, Knights of Columbus;
American Legion; V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of Delegates for twelve
years; Assistant Majority Floor Leader for seven and one-half years. Elected to Sen-
ate in 1979. District office: 6108 Old Silver Hill Rd., Suite 216, District Heights
20028; tel. 420-7050. Annapolis office-. 409 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3127.
ARTHUR DORMAN, Democrat, District 21. Bom in New York, October 21, 1926.
Attended Brooklyn, N.Y., public schools; George Washington University; Pennsyl-
vania College of Optometry, O.D., 1953. Optometrist. Served with the U.S. Army in
World War II. Member, Executive Board and Legislative Advisory Committee,
Southern Regional Education Board. Member, 21st Legislative District Democratic
Club; Vansville District Democratic Club; Beth Torah Congregation; national. State,
and local optometric associations. Past president. Vision Institute of America. Mary-
land Optometrist of the Year, 1967; national Optometrist of the Year, 1968, Mem-
ber, Beltsville Citizens' Association. Past president, Takoma-Langley Kiwanis Club.
Member, Beta Signia Kappa; V.F.W.; Prince George's County Boys and Girls Clubs;
Beltsville Swimming Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1965-1975.
Chairman, Prince George's County delegation, 1971-1975; member. Legislative
Council, 1971-1975; Speaker Pro Tern, 1971-1975. Member of the Senate since
1975. Chairman, Prince George's County Senate Delegation, 1980—. District office:
11107 Montgomery Road, Beltsville 20705; tel. 937-7411. Annapolis office; 303
James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3141.