TIMOTHY R. HICKMAN, Democrat, District 13. Born in Arbutus, March 6,
1946. Attended Baltimore County public schools; Catonsville Community College;
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, B.A., 1971. Served in Maryland Army
National Guard, 1965-1971. Former president, Catonsville Recreation and Parks
Council, 1973-1975. Founder and past president, New Democratic Club, First Dis-
trict, Baltimore County. Member, Consolidated-English Consul Democratic Clubs.
Board member. Citizens Opposed to Metropolitan Boulevard. Member, Community
Planning Association of Catonsville; associate member. Arbutus Community Associ-
ation. Board member. Friends of the Patapsco, Inc. Member, Governor's Task Force
on Mental Health Support Systems; Governor's Advisory Council on Toxic Sub-
stances; Information Practices Commission; Constitutional and Public Law Commit-
tee. Member, Board of Trustees, University of Maryland Alumni Association. Mar-
ried. Member of the House of Delegates, 1975-1979. Member of the Senate since
1979. District offices: 754 Frederick Rd., Catonsville 21228, tel. 788-3096; 1330 Sul-
phur Spring Rd., Arbutus 21227, tel. 242.5553. Annapolis office: 211 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3634.
FRANCIS X. KELLY, Democrat, District 5. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., November
18, 1939. Attended Pennsylvania parochial schools; Villanova University, B.S. in
Economics, 1961. Insurance broker-administrator. Served in Army National Guard,
1962-1967. Member, U.S. Justice Department's Law Enforcement Advisory Agen-
cy, 1976. Founder and first president, Maryland Foster Parents Association; co-
founder and first president. Operation STOP (taxpayers' organization); Baltimore
County Task Force on Property Tax Reform, 1974-1975. Served as chairman. Advi-
sory Committee on Education, Baltimore County; legislative chairman, Ridgely Ju-
nior High School PTA Executive Board; past vice-president. Greater Timonium
Community Council; past president, Coachford Community Improvement Associa-
tion; past vice-president and member. Board of Directors, Quarterway Houses;
coach/manager, Cockeysville-Springlake Recreation Council since 1973; past mem-
ber, Board of Catholic Social Services. Timonium-Cockeysville Jaycees' "Outstanding
Young Man" Award, 1974. Elected to White House Conference on Families, 1980.
Married; 5 children. District office: 10635 York Rd., Cockeysville 21030; tel.
252-5025. Annapolis office: 308 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3606.
SIDNEY KRAMER, Democrat, District 19. Born in Washington, D.C., July 8,
1925. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; George Washington University.
Member, Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, 1965-1966; Mont-
gomery County Council, 1970-1974 (vice-president, 1974); Montgomery County
representative to Region IV Board of Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement
and the Administration of Justice, 1971-1974; chairman. Public Safety Policy Com-
mittee, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 1972-1974; member,
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Task Force for Water Resources
Planning and Management, 1972. Former vice-chairman. Executive Committee,
Montgomery United Way; president, Montgomery Chamber of Commerce; director-
at-large, Maryland Association for Retarded Citizens. Present member. Board of Di-
rectors, Boys and Girls Club of Silver Spring; board of trustees. Holy Cross Hospi-
tal; board of directors. Temple Israel; vice-president, Rotary Club of Silver Spring.
Member, Senate Economic Affairs Committee; Joint Committee on Economic and
Community Development; Joint Committee on Capital Budget; State Insurance
Commissioners' Office Committee; Banking Commission Committee; Maryland
Building Code Study Commission; Intergovernmental Cooperation Commission. Dis-
trict office: 11500 Gilsan St., Silver Spring 20902; tel. 593-4525. Annapolis office:
212 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3151.
JULIAN L. LAPIDES, Democrat, District 39. Born in Baltimore, September 17,
1931. Attended Baltimore public schools; The Johns Hopkins University; Towson
State College, B.S., 1954; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1961. Admit-
ted to Maryland Bar, 1965. Served with U.S. Army, 1954-1956. Member, Maryland
Arts Council; Commission on Hereditary Disorders, Member, Mount Royal Demo-
cratic Club. Member, The Peale Museum; Baltimore Museum of Art; Walters Art
Gallery; Victorian Society in America. Past president, Maryland Kidney Foundation;
regional vice-president. National Kidney Foundation, 1970-1972. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates, 1963-1967. Member of the Senate since 1967. Chairman,
Joint Committee on Metropolitan Mass Transit Oversight. Member, Joint Commit-
tee on the General Assembly Intern Program; Budget and Taxation Committee;
Joint Committee on Budget and Audit; Commission on Intergovernmental Coopera-
tion; Special Joint Committee on Energy; Maryland State Planning Commission. Co-
chairman, Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Member, National Conference of
State Legislatures Task Force on the Arts. District office: 809 Cathedral St.,
Baltimore, 21201; tel. 752-4519. Annapolis office: 116 Pres. Wing, James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3686.