56/Maryland Manual
JEROME F. CONNELL, SR., Democrat, District 31. Bom in Baltimore, October
17, 1927. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools; University of Baltimore
School of Law, LL.B., 1958. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1958. Served in the
U.S. Army, 1946-1953. Trial Magistrate, Anne Arundel County, 1959-1960, 1962-
1964. Assistant County Solicitor, Anne Arundel County, 1961-1962. Member, Lake
Shore, Roland Terrace, and Stoney Creek Democratic Clubs; Trial Judges Associa-
tion of Maryland; Heuisler Honor Society; Elks; Board of Directors, Big Brothers.
Named Big Brother of the Year, 1966. Married. Member of the House of Delegates,
1967-1971. Member of the Senate since 1975. District office: 5 Central Ave., Glen
Burnie 21061; tel. 761-2430. Annapolis office: 314 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3593.
EDWARD T. CONROY, Democrat, District 24. Born in New York State, January
31, 1929. Attended Fordham University, B.S., 1951; Georgetown Law Center, LL.B.,
1956; LL.M., 1957; J.D., 1967. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1957. Served with the
U.S. Army, 1951-1954; received Silver Star, two Purple Hearts, and Bronze Star.
Member, Prince. George's County Bar Association. Member, Board of Directors,
Edgemeade Child Rehabilitation Center. Member, Chamber of Commerce; Knights
of Columbus; Elks; Lions; American Legion; National Judge Advocate of the Mili-
tary Order of the Purple Heart; VFW. Past State Commander, State Judge Advo-
cate, and National Commander, Disabled American Veterans. Named outstanding
disabled veteran in the United States, 1968, and in Maryland, 1967. Twice chosen
Outstanding Citizen in Maryland by Maryland Municipal League. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates, 1963-1967. Member of the Senate since 1967. Member,
Legislative Council (now Legislative Policy Committee) since 1967, Chairman, Con-
stitutional and Public Law Committee. District office: 12432 Shawmont Lane, Bowie
20715; tel. 262-1000. Annapolis office: 401 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3578.
VICTOR L. CRAWFORD, Democrat, District 20. Bom in Richmond, Va., April
19, 1932. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; Hargrave Military Academy;
University of Maryland, B.A., 1958; Georgetown Law Center, LL.B., 1960. Admit-
ted to the Maryland Bar, 1960. Served in the U.S. Army, 1952-1955. Vice-Chair-
man, Commission on Judicial Reform. Attorney, Montgomery County Board of
Election Supervisors. General Counsel, Montgomery County Education Association
1967-1975. Executive Board Member, Young Democratic Clubs. Member, Ameri-
can, Maryland State, and Montgomery County Bar Associations; Trial Lawyers As-
sociation; National Association of Defense Lawyers in Criminal Cases. Member of
the House of Delegates, 1967-1969. Member of the Senate since 1969. Chairman,
Prince George's-Montgomery County Bi-County delegation, 1971; Chairman, Mont-
gomery County Senators, 1974. Chairman, Purchasing and Procurement Task Force;
Chairman, Joint Budget and Audit Committee, 1978. District office: 9 N. Adams
St., Rockville 20850; tel. 762-1000. Annapolis office: 207 James Bldg. 21401; tel.
JOSEPH CURRAN, JR., Democrat, District 43. Born in West Palm Beach, Fla.,
July 7, 1931. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; University of Baltimore; Univer-
sity of Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1959. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1959.
Served with the U.S. Air Force, 1951-1955. Member, board of directors, Maryland
Higher Education Loan Corporation. Member, Regional Planning Council. Member,
Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, Court of Appeals of Mary-
land. Member, Maryland, Baltimore, and Junior Bar Associations; Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick; Maryland March of Dimes Walk-A-Thon; Foster Care Review Board Se-
lection Committee. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1959-1963. Mem-
ber of the Senate since 1963. Chairman, Public Utilities Committee, 1963-1966.
Chairman, Judicial Proceedings Committee since 1967. Member, Legislative Council
(now Legislative Policy Committee). District office; 415 Blaustein Bldg-, Baltimore
21201; tel. 426-3626. Annapolis office: 301 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3620.