198'/Maryland Manual
land Conference of Health Officers, the Depart-
ment of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Mary-
land Hospital Association, the Maryland Nurses
Association, the Monumental City Medical Soci-
ety, the University of Maryland School of Medi-
cine, and The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
The Commission establishes guidelines for the
effective management and treatment of high
blood pressure (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs.
Thomas M. Holcomb, M.D., 1981; Lawrence E.
Holder, M.D., 1982; Virginia Layfield, 1982;
Janice M. McCann, 1982; Stephen Loescher,
1983; Salvatore Donohoe, M.D., 1984; Marsha
J. Brown, M.D., 1981; Lawrence Misanik,
M.D., 1985; Jerry Washington, 1985; Margaret
M. Miller, R.N.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2517
The Advisory Board on Hospital Licensing,
originally established in 1945, consists of eleven
members appointed by the Secretary of Health
and Mental Hygiene for five-year terms (Chapter
866, Acts of 1965). Three members are appointed
from a list submitted by the Medical and Chir-
urgical Faculty of Maryland, one from a list sub-
mitted by the Maryland Pharmaceutical Associa-
tion, four from a list submitted by the Hospital
Council of Maryland, Inc., and one (an owner or
administrator of a licensed nursing home) ap-
pointed from a list submitted by the Health Fa-
cilities Association. Two members are appointed
from a list submitted by the Maryland Nurses
Association. The list of names submitted by the
Hospital Council of Maryland, Inc., must include
a trustee of a Maryland hospital and a member of
the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland
engaged in the private practice of medicine. At
least two members must reside in Baltimore City
and at least two in the counties.
The Board assists in the issuance or denial of
licenses, the establishment of minimum regula-
tions, and the approval of applications for hospi-
tal construction (Code 1957, Art. 43, sec. 564).
Chairperson: Thomas A. Towers
Richard C. Ahlberg, Theodore Bishop, Leiand C.
Bradley, Capt. Bruce D. Diehl, Paul R. Farra-
gut, Ronald L. Johnson, Paul W. McKee, Jo-
seph McMahon, Gordon N. Wilcox.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2727
The Interagency Noise Control Committee,
established by Chapter 287, Acts of 1974, con-
sists of one member appointed by the Governor
from his staff, one member representing the De-
partment of Health and Mental Hygiene who is
designated as the chairperson, and members of
the Department of State Planning, the Depart-
ment of Transportation, the Department of Natu-
ral Resources, and any other department that en-
forces regulations respecting noise.
The Committee meets to receive reports of
progress, problems, and proposed plans from all
member agencies on the adequacy of present and
future efforts to achieve State environmental noise
standards and makes recommendations for new
or revised regulations or legislation (Code 1957,
Art. 43, sec. 827).
Chairperson: Douglas H. Moore, 1981
Russell Butler, 1981; Keith Chernikoff, 1981; Al-
fred R. Himmelrich, Jr., 1982; Eric Pine, 1983;
Robert H. Mason, 1983; Frances L. Mickel,
1983; Theodore Moyer, 1983; John Patterson,
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2709
This Board, originally created by Chapter 126,
Acts of 1966, had its membership enlarged by
Chapter 22, Acts of 1974. The Advisory Board
consists of nine members appointed by the Secre-
tary of Health and Mental Hygiene from the gen-
eral public and representatives of the State De-
partment of Education, the Mental Hygiene
Administration of the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, the Department of Social Ser-
vices, the Department of Maryland State Police,
the judiciary, and child welfare agencies. Three
members must be between the ages of sixteen and
twenty-five and at least one must have been un-
der the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Services Ad-
ministration, Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene. The Board recommends to the Director
of the Juvenile Services Administration policies
and programs designed to improve the State's ju-