196/Maryland Manual
Laurie C. Butler, 1982; Norman Shor, 1982;
Martha A. Aiy, 1983; Steven V. Sklar, 1983.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2709
The Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, created
by Chapter 404, Acts of 1969, consists of certain
ex officio members and nine members represent-
ing the general public who are appointed by the
Governor for three-year terms. The Council has
no executive or appointive duties. It advises the
Governor, the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene, and the Administration concerning first,
the formulation of a comprehensive plan for long-
range development through the utilization of fed-
eral, State, local, and private resources of ade-
quate services and facilities for the prevention and
control of drug addiction, diagnosis, treatment,
and control of drug addicts, and the revision
from time to time of such a plan; second, the pro-
motion, development, establishment, coordina-
tion, and conduct of unified programs for educa-
tion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabili-
tation, and control in the field of drug abuse in
cooperation with other federal, State, local, and
private agencies; and third, the evaluation of
existing and planned programs and facilities ad-
ministered by the Drug Abuse Administration of
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Chairperson: Mrs. Thomas Eastman, 1981
Patrick F. Cunniff, 1982; Edmund M. Glaser,
1983; Robert B. Bartlett, 1984; Samuel
McComb Morgan Lumpkin, M.D., 1985.
This Council was originally created as the
Noise Pollution Control Advisory Council by
Chapter 709, Acts of 1973. It adopted its present
name by Chapter 287, Acts of 1974. It consists of
five members appointed by the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene for terms of five
years each. One member is appointed from a list
of three names submitted by the Acoustical Soci-
ety of America. One member must be a doctor of
medicine specializing in hearing appointed from a
list of at least three names submitted by the Med-
ical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. The
third member is appointed from a list of three
names submitted by the president of the Universi-
ty of Maryland. Two members are appointed by
the Secretary from suggestions made by the
Maryland State Chamber of Commerce, the
Maryland Transportation Federation, the Mary-
land Environmental Trust, and such other envi-
ronmental groups as he may select. The Secretary
designates the chairperson, the vice-chairperson,
and the secretary.
The Council is to submit regulations for the es-
tablishment of noise control standards and to
control noise pollution (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs.
Chairperson: Marilyn Reeves, 1981
Gus N. Cremonni, 1981; Dr. Curtis M. Snow,
1981; Dr. David H. Rosenblatt, 1982; Ralph
Adkins, 1986; Dr. Robert Altman, 1986; Dr.
Max Eisenberg, 1986; Frank Morgan, 1986;
James C. Robertson, 1986; one vacancy.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3123
The Hazardous Substances Advisory Council
was created by Chapter 618, Acts of 1976 as
amended, to control the discharge and disposal of
hazardous substances. The Council consists of ten
members appointed by the Governor with the ad-
vice of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hy-
giene for six-year terms. The State Departments
of Agriculture, Licensing and Regulation, and
Health and Mental Hygiene and the Fire Mar-
shal's Office are each represented by one member
on the Council. One member represents the haz-
ardous substance disposal industry, another an
industry that generates hazardous substances, and
another the resource and recovery industry. One
member represents the University of Maryland
and the two remaining members are drawn from
the public at large.
The Council advises on the adoption of regula-
tions to carry out its purposes of protecting
Maryland's waters from the potential danger of a
spill or careless disposal of hazardous materials.
It is also to assist in the removal or mitigation of
hazardous substances, to restore any natural re-
sources damaged by these, and to monitor and
control the proper disposal of designated hazard-
ous substances. The enabling legislation also pro-
vides for the drafting of permits and certificates
and the establishment of the Hazardous Sub-
stances Control Fund (Natural Resources Article,
sec. 8-1413.2).