192'/Maryland Manual
ate. The consumer member cannot have training
as a physical therapist or have a financial interest
in a related field. The Board examines, licenses,
and registers physical therapists and physical
therapy assistants who wish to practice in Mary-
land (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs. 604-614).
President: Lionel Hutkoff, D.P.M., 1982
Treasurer: Michael Weinberg, D.P.M., 1981
Secretary: Herbert P. Rosen, 1983
Tobie Weiss Kleger, D.P.M., 1983; Neil Scheffler,
D.P.M., 1983.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6461
The Board of Podiatry Examiners, originally
created by Chapter 173, Acts of 1916, received its
present name by Chapter 416, Acts of 1965. The
Board consists of six members, five of whom are
appointed by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene from a
list of qualified podiatrists submitted by the
Maryland Podiatry Association and the Mary-
land State Board of Podiatry Examiners. The
sixth member is a consumer, appointed by the
Governor on the recommendation of the Secre-
tary with the advice and consent of the Senate,
who cannot have training as a podiatrist or a fi-
nancial interest in a related field. The Board ex-
amines all persons who wish to practice podiatry
in the State. Applicants must have at least two
years of education in a recognized college of arts
and sciences and be graduates of a college of po-
diatric medicine recognized by the American Po-
diatry Association. The examinations, which may
be written, oral, or practical, are given twice year-
ly. The Board also issues annual licenses to all
podiatrists engaged in active practice within the
State. The Board may, after a hearing, revoke the
license of any podiatrist who is charged with mal-
practice or unethical conduct (Code 1957, Art.
43, secs. 481-498).
Chairperson: Barbara R. Slater, Ph.D., 1981
Vice-Chairperson: Leopold 0. Walder, Ph.D.,
Donald K. Pumroy, Ph.D., 1982; Judith Arm-
strong, Ph.D., 1983; Allan M. Leventhal, Ph.D.,
1983; Genevieve H. Wilson, 1983.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7535
The practice of psychology in Maryland is reg-
ulated by the State Board of Examiners of Psy-
chologists, established by Chapter 748, Acts of
1957. This Board consists of six members. Five
are psychologists appointed by the Governor
upon the recommendation of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene and with the advice
and consent of the Senate from a list of nominees
presented by the Maryland Psychological Associ-
ation, Inc. (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs. 618-644).
The sixth member is a consumer appointed by the
Governor on recommendation by the Secretary
with the advice and consent of the Senate. Mem-
bers of the Board serve three-year terms.
The Board evaluates the qualifications of psy-
chologists in the State and issues certificates to
those who fulfill the requirements. The certificates
must be renewed annually. The Board administers
examinations to qualified applicants for certifica-
tion at least once each year. The Board annually
publishes a complete roster of certified psycholo-
gists in the State.
Chairperson: Morris L. Hennessey, 1981
Secretary: Gaylord L. Brooks, 1983
Wilfred H. Shields, 1982; Irwin L. Snyder, 1984;
Earl Wayne Asplen, 1985.
Rte I, Box 201
Denton 21629 Telephone: 479-1529
The Board of Sanitarian Registration was cre-
ated by Chapter 434, Acts of 1969, to issue certif-
icates of registration to applicants who qualify as
registered sanitarians or as sanitarians-in-training.
The Board consists of six members appointed by
the Governor upon the recommendation of the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene and
with the advice and consent of the Senate for
five-year terms. Five members must qualify for
registration as registered sanitarians, and one
member must be a consumer who cannot have
training as a registered sanitarian or have a finan-
cial interest in a related field. The Board selects
its own officers, conducts examinations, and