162/Maryland Manual
nance and repair, the exterior painting of build-
ings, special equipment repair and maintenance,
pest control, window cleaning, fire detection, and
safety equipment services. The Division's tele-
phone section provides general telephone informa-
tion and is responsible for installation, service,
and billing for all State agencies within the 383-
and 659-telephone and 222- and 223-MARCOM
Wm. Raymond Bosley, Director
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6063
The Division of Real Estate was administra-
tively formed by the Department of General Ser-
vices in July 1978. The Division combines the
Space Management Branch and the Land Acqui-
sition Branch under one Director. The intent of
this consolidation was to increase the coordina-
tion and efficiency of the State's real estate func-
tions, since many of these transactions overlap
the responsibilities of both sections.
Space Management
Klaus P. Heinemeyer, Chief
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6063
The Space Management unit manages space as-
signments in State-owned facilities, acquires
leased facilities for all State agencies, approves
space modifications, establishes standards for the
allocation of space, negotiates the leasing of State
property (except Port and Aviation facilities), and
conducts surveys of State space requirements. The
Division also negotiates certain concession agree-
ments and makes recommendations concerning
the need for State office space construction to the
Board of Public Works.
Land Acquisition
Vacancy, Chief
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6737
This Division is responsible for the acquisition
and disposal of real property for State agencies
with the exception of the Department of Trans-
portation. The majority of the Division's work-
load involves the acquisition of Open Space prop-
erty for the Department of Natural Resources
that is to be designated as State parks, wildlife
preserves, and natural environment areas. Acqui-
sition activities include obtaining independent ap-
praisals of the property in question, conducting
negotiations with the owners of the subject prop-
erty, securing purchase options, and requesting
Board of Public Works approval on proposed
purchase terms. The Division also processes re-
quests to obtain or grant rights of way, utility,
preservation, and scenic easements. Property
transfers between State agencies and the disposi-
tion of excess property are also processed by the
Division and presented for approval to the Board
of Public Works.
Robin J. Zee, Director
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2440
The Director provides policy and administra-
tive direction of supportive services that are gen-
erally independent of one or another and are nec-
essary for the effective operation of State
agencies. The Office is organized into divisions
according to functional responsibility: Purchasing
Bureau, Telecommunications, Printing and Publi-
cation, Inventory Management, and the Hall of
Records Commission, which includes the State
Archives and the Records Management Division.
Stanley J. Hanna, Chief, Purchasing Bureau
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3644
The Purchasing Bureau is responsible for the
procurement of all materials, supplies, and equip-
ment used by State agencies. The Bureau annual-
ly purchases commodities ranging from office
supplies to medicines and food stuffs. Total pur-
chases annually exceed $94 million. Unless an
item costs less than $200 or is an exempted com-
modity, State agencies must submit to the Bureau
a purchase requisition that identifies both the
item and quantity requested. The item may be
supplied in one of several ways: 1. drawing it
from the State warehouse in Waterloo, 2. order-
ing it through an open-ended contract that has
been developed by the Bureau, 3. bidding the