State Agencies
This Division is responsible for implementing
the State's Comprehensive Maintenance and Re-
pair Program. The Division inspects each State
facility on a regular basis in terms of its preven-
tive maintenance and operational status. It assists
physical plant superintendents in establishing
maintenance guidelines, provides engineering and
technical advice on maintenance projects, pre-
pares contract documents and contractor directo-
ries, and reviews all renovation and repair con-
tract documents prior to their submission to the
Board of Public Works. This review is to ensure
that the work being requested is justified, that
contract specifications are accurate, and that
prices are competitive.
The Division also operates an energy conserva-
tion program. State facilities can utilize monthly
fuel consumption reports to identify abnormal en-
ergy consumption to help them economize on
their energy usage.
John F. Sikorski, Superintendent
William W. LaViolette, Assistant Superintendent
Central Services Building
29 St. John's Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3611
Nights & Holidays:
This Division is responsible for the operation,
maintenance, and security of the State Office
Complex in Annapolis. This Complex consists of
16 buildings, 29 acres of landscaped areas, and
11.6 acres of parking lots. The Division also
maintains the Governor's residence, which has a
separate operating budget. Several of the build-
ings within the Annapolis State Office Complex
are of important historic value and must be regu-
larly cared for to retain them as show places and
attractions for the public.
This Division provides both preventive and
routine maintenance, which consists of repairs, al-
terations, improvements, housekeeping, and secu-
rity services for preserving facilities and equip-
ment at a level satisfactory to perform their de-
signated functions. These tasks are accomplished
by a full-time maintenance force consisting of me-
chanical, electrical, carpentry, painting, refrigera-
tion, electronic, housekeeping, and grounds-
keeping personnel. Around-the-clock security is
the responsibility of the Division's special police
General Services/161
and guards. The Division operates a comprehen-
sive supply system for the acquisition of equip-
ment and materials necessary for the maintenance
of the Complex and some of its vehicles. The Di-
vision also dispatches and controls the operation
of pool cars and other assigned vehicles. Some
maintenance tasks and services are contracted for
competitively, when possible, from outside sour-
ces. Contractual services include elevator mainte-
nance service and repair, the exterior painting of
buildings, special equipment repair and mainte-
nance, pest control, window cleaning, and fire de-
tection and safety equipment services. The Divi-
sion's telephone section provides general tele-
phone information and is responsible for the
installation, service, and billing of all State agen-
cies within the 269-telephone and 224-MARCOM
Frederick W. DeJong, Superintendent
James A. Meade, Assistant Superintendent
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4486
Nights and Holidays:
This Division is responsible for the operation,
maintenance, and security of the State buildings
at 301 West Preston Street (SB#1), 300 West
Preston Street (SB#2), 2100 Guilford Avenue
(SB#3), and 201 West Preston Street (SB#4), all
of which are in Baltimore City.
The Division provides both preventive and rou-
tine maintenance which consists of repairs, alter-
ations, improvements, housekeeping, and security
services for preserving facilities and equipment at
a level satisfactory to perform their designated
functions. These tasks are accomplished by a full-
time maintenance force consisting of mechanical,
electrical, carpentry, painting, refrigeration, elec-
tronic, housekeeping, and groundskeeping person-
nel. Around-the-clock security is the responsibili-
ty of the Division's special police and building
guards. The Division operates a comprehensive
supply system for the acquisition of equipment
and materials necessary for the maintenance of
the Complex and some of its vehicles. The Divi-
sion also dispatches and controls the operation of
pool cars and other assigned vehicles. Some main-
tenance tasks and services are contracted for
competitively, when possible, from outside sour-
ces. Contractual services include elevator mainte-