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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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State Agencies

item through the Bureau as an individual require-
ment, or 4. ordering it as part of the Bureau's
scheduled purchase program. Emergency pur-
chases can also be made by an agency whenever
the purchase is necessary to preserve human life
or State property.


Dayton W. Eddy, Telecommunications Coordina-

301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4493

This Division is responsible for meeting the
needs of State agencies for voice, teletype, radio
and other communication-related services. The Di-
vision's activities also include the management of
the State's telephone system, MARCOM (Mary-
land Communications and Information System).
The Division controls no funds other than those
required for its own operation. While the Division
provides advice, assistance, and recommendations
to other State agencies, it has no authority to di-
rect their telecommunication activities.


Kenneth B. Webster, Manager

301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3261

This Division is responsible for operating two
reproduction centers, including graphic art ser-
vices and commercial printing and equipment.
The Division advises and assists State agencies in
matters relating to in-plant duplicating, graphic
communication formats, materials, and produc-
tion methods to ensure quality reproduction at
the lowest possible costs. The Division also oper-
ates both a typewriter repair service for State
agencies located in the Baltimore metropolitan
area and a mail/courier service for State agencies
located within the Baltimore and Annapolis areas.


William T. Robel, Manager

301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7422

This Division was authorized by the 1977 Gen-
eral Assembly to provide more efficient use of the

General Services/163

capital invested in statewide inventories. The Divi-
sion is responsible for planning and controlling in-
ventories of materials, supplies, and foodstuffs. It
establishes investment standards and controls for
individual agencies to minimize the capital needed
to satisfy their inventory requirements. The Divi-
sion issues policies, regulations, and guidelines and
provides technical assistance to State agencies on
all matters involving controls, planning, storage,
and distribution of inventories. The Division is
also responsible for managing the physical inven-
tory and personal property disposal programs.


Chairperson: Robert C. Murphy, Chief Judge,
Court of Appeals of Maryland

Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury;
William S. James, State Treasurer; J. Max Mill-
stone, Secretary of General Services; Frank H.
Weller, Jr., President, Maryland Historical Soci-
Steven Muller, President, The Johns Hop-
kins University;
John S. Toll, President, Univer-
sity of Maryland;
Edwin J. Delattre, President,
St. John's College;
Julian L. Lapides, State Sen-
Anne Scarlett Perkins, House of Delegates

Secretary: Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, Slate Archi-
vist, Archives Division

Hall of Records
St. Johns' St. and College Avenue
P. 0. Box 828
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3915

The Hall of Records Commission was created
by Chapter 18, Acts of 1935. The Commission
supervises and controls the Hall of Records,
which consists of two main divisions—the Ar-
chives Division and the Records Management Di-
vision. All papers, records, relics, and other me-
morials connected with the early history of
Maryland not required for the necessary opera-
tion of any other office are under the supervision
of and belong to the Hall of Records Commis-
sion (Code 1957, Art. 54).

Archives Division

Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archivist
Dr. Gregory A. Stiverson, Assistant State Archivist

Hall of Records
St. Johns' St. and College Avenue
P. 0. Box 828
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3915
Public Searchroom Open Mon.-Sat., 8:30-4:30


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
Volume 180, Page 163   View pdf image (33K)
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