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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 883   View pdf image (33K)
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Name lndex/883

Comwell, Richard M 554
Corr, Reade W 493
Corngan, Dean C 329
Corngan, Joseph 713
Corngan, Mary Louise 496
Corngan, Robert A 328
Cornn, Brownlee Sands 461
Cornston, W F 170
Corson, Ruth 529
Cortada, Rafael L 526
Cortese, Saveno 527
Cortez, Eleanor A 655
Corun, William 259
Cosden, Jeremiah 749
Cosgrove, Eli 742
Cossentino, Frank F 291
Costley, Russell 464
Cote, Joseph E 481
Cottman, Blancia 509
Cottman, Joseph S 750
Cottman, Kemiit A 303
Cottman, William 510
Cotton, James 454
Cotton, Thomas B 459
Couch, James F , Jr 345, 357, 549, 609,697
Couchenour, Barbara 476
Coulboume, Emily 509
Coulboume, Thomas W 508
Coulby.LLee 511
Coulter, James B 94,215,223,224,
Coulter, John 744
Coulter, Ruth A 713
Councell, Peter L 512
Counch, James F , Jr 739
Councill, Dian N 505
Counihan, Gene W 708
Coursey, Fred 505
Coursey, James, Sr 467
Coursey, Willa Mae 467
Courtney, Edward J 29
Cover, Thomas F 742
Covey, Harold , 285
Covington, George W 743, 750
Covington, J Harry 751
Covington, Leonard 748
Cowen, John K 751
Cowen, Joseph 168
Cowie, William H 528
Cowley, R Adam 269, 328
Cox, C Hurley 19
Cox, Christopher C 733, 734
Cox, Connie 509
Cox, Edward V 506
Cox, Joseph F 117
Cox, Mildred 464
Cox, Nathaniel 732
Cox, Oliver S 466
Cox, Richard J 275, 526
Cox, Robert E 713
Cox, Thelma B 298
Cox, William H , Jr 31, 63, 273, 555,
Coyle,JohnJ 315,453,454

Coyle, William E 278
Crabb, Jeremiah 748
Crabtree, James A 531
Crager, Minor B 247, 248
Craighead, J Thomas 288
Cralk, William 748
Cram, Peter Wood 737
Cramer, Joyce W 570
Cramer, M Michael 28
Cramer, Michael A 29
Cramp, Barry S 502
Cramphin, Thomas 745
Crandell, William P 658, 687
Craven, Thomas L 383, 562, 593
Crawford, Andrew J 742
Crawford, Joan M 712
Crawford, Susan J 712
Crawford, Victor L 25, 34, 46, 320, 562,
Crawford, William 753
Crawley, Robert A 502
Creamer, Matthew E 516
Creed, Eugene 460
Creighton, Gary F 528
Creighton, William F 309
Cremonni, Gus N 225
Crenca, Rose 495
Cresthull, Paul 223
Creswell, John A J 746, 750, 755
Creswell, Raymond B 487
Creter, Robert V 221
Crew, John L 286, 304, 526
Crew, Julian Lee 493, 494
Crewe, Leonard C , Jr 147
Cnhfield, Brevard 102
Cnsfield, John W 741, 750
Cnst, Dorothy 0 712
Cnst, Gertrude H 298
Croker, Mana B 781
Cromwell, James J 309, 317, 383, 384
Cromwell, Joseph H 135
Cromwell, Nathan 745
Cromwell, P McEvoy 28
Cromwell, Roland W 490
Cromwell, Roy D 383
Cronin, J Wilmer 707
Cronin, L Eugene 225
Crook, Paul J 579
Crook, Thomas K. 167
Cropper, Edward S 519
Cropper, Eibndge 518
Crosby, Dennis 573
Cross, Richard E 303
Crosse, St George 1 B 575
Crothers, Austin L 727, 728
Crothers, James A , 11 473
Crothers, Mrs James 473
Crouch, Louis S 505
Crouch, Walter A 712
Crouse, James G 533
Grouse, Jane B 494
Crow, D Evan 566,598
Crowe, Ross 485
Crowl, Philip A 744

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 883   View pdf image (33K)
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