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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 884   View pdf image (33K)
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884/Maryland Manual

Crozier, Samuel G. .....................209
Crum, Charles H. ......................541
Cnirn, John M. ...................118,707
Cryor, Michael E. .....................170
Cuccia, Frank W. ......................211
Cueman, Edmund R. .................. .470
Cueto, Esther ........................190
Culbreth, Thomas ................. 731, 749
Cullen, James K. ......................316
Cullen, Richard E. .....................516
Culler, Carl L. ....................... .483
Culotta, Samuel A. .............. 620, 627, 639
Cumby, Bert ..................... 442, 497
Cumiskey, Thomas B. .......26,30,63,551, 584,
Cummings, Alexander L. ................. 103
Cunniff, Patrick F. .....................172
Cunningham, B. A. ................... .742
Cunningham, Paul .....................478
Cunningham, S. S. ..................... 743
Cuomo, Frederick J. ....................668
Curen, Louis E. C., Jr. ................. .479
Curfman, Eugene C. ................... .471
Curl, Sharon .........................320
Curlett, Royden R. .....................505
Curley, Francis F. .....................475
Curley, Thomas J. .............. 352, 373, 455
Curran, G. Richard ....................463
Curran, Gerald J. .............37,63, 577, 606,
Curran, J. Joseph, Jr. ........22,24,37,46, 256,
268, 278, 301, 576, 606,
Curran, James W. ................. 558, 559
Curran, Martin ....................... 525
Curran, William ....................... 740
Currier, Donald R. .....................279
Curry, Herrel, Jr. ..................... .474
Curry, Ramon C. ......................594
Curry, Rupert G. ......................320
Curtice, Joseph .......................503
Curtis, Evelyn Ceclia ...................711
Curtis, Francis P. ...................... 736
Curtis, John M. ................117, 329, 338
Curtiss, Mrs. R. P. .....................516
Gushing, Joseph M. .................... 742
Cushwa, Patricia ......................307
Cushwa, Thomas B. ....................514
Cushwa, Victor ...............25,30,47,552,
Cutlet, Coralee .......................528
Outright, Cay ........................468
Cuzmanes, Paul T, .....................103
Cyr, Roland .........................514
Dabrowski, Edward J., Jr. ..... .578, 607, 669, 743
Dabrowski, Edward W. ..................579
Dabrowski, Stanley J. .................. .579
Dabrowski, Walter 0. ...................173
Daffin, James L. ......................512
Daft, Jack R. .........................209
Dail, Thomas J. ....................... 742
Dale, Lewis ..........................710

D'Alesandro, Thomas, Jr. ......... 245, 752, 754
D'Alesandro, Thomas J„ III .............. 754
Daley, Margaret A. ....................713
Dallam, Richard ...................... 732
Dallas, Robert W. .....................352
Dallavalle, Mary E. ....................503
Dalrymple, J. J. .......................741
Dalton, Donald H. ................ .652, 684
Dalton, James F. ......................496
Dalton, Robert L. .............. 577, 606, 668
Daly, Mason G. ...................... 330
Daly, Phyliss L. ......................711
Dancy, Bonita ........................ 276
Daneker, Andrew M. ................... 471
Daneker, David C. .....................382
Daniel, William .......................742
D'Anna, Sam P. ...................556,648
Danzansky, Joseph ....................235
Darby, Albert D., Jr. ...................453
Darby, Donald W. .....................336
Darby, Elizabeth ......................453
Darby, Perry E. ....................... 743
Darcey, Roland E. .....................119
Darnall, John ........................722
Darner, Alice ........................ 482
Dasher, lrvin P. ...................... 490
Dashiell, Edgar A., Jr. ..................710
Dashiell, J. J. ........................741
Datcher, Rudolf C. ....................476
Date, Donald R. ...................... 482
Daugherty, Charlotte ................... 509
Daugherty, James H. ...................311
Daugherty, John T. ....................134
Daugherty, Millard K. ...................19
Daugherty, William .................... 510
David, Davidson ...................... 730
David, James D. ................... 577,668
Davidson, John .................... 729,730
Davidson, Rita C. .......... 345, 355, 550, 607,
Davidson, Robert C. ................... 754
Davidson, Sara J. ..................... 504
Davidson, Virginia ..................... 474
Davidson, Williams .................... 501
Davies, Walter J. ......................488
Daviess, Jacob G. ..................... 754
Davis, A. Vernon ..................... 514
Davis, Allan S. .......................473
Davis, Allen Bowie .................... 741
Davis, Arrie W. .................... 103, 106
Davis, Charles E., Sr. ...................314
Davis, Delbert M., Jr. ..................517
Davis, Elijah .........................734
Davis, Henry Winter ................... 750
Davis, Herbert A. .............. 295, 460, 461
Davis, James D.,lll .................... 493
Davis, Jane Young ..................... 273
Davis, John F. .......................203
Davis, John H., Sr. ....................665
Davis, John J, ........................338
Davis, John W. .......................732
Davis, Joseph E. ......................742
Davis, Lanny J. ................ 548, 622, 628
Davis, Maggie B. ...................... 575

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 884   View pdf image (33K)
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