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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 882   View pdf image (33K)
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882/Maryland Manual

Coliton, W P 125
Coller, Jerome J 175
Collett, Charles W 511
Colletta, Francis 173
Collier, Harry P 484
Collier, Linda 489
Collins, Bettie Wolfe 517
Collins, Mrs David 516
Collins, Dons 531
Collins, George H 239
Collins, Mrs Jackson R 504
Collins, Joseph 464
Collins, Maunce M 712
Collins, Michael J 31,62,647,679
Collins, Robert 210
Collins, Stephen E 462, 463
Collins, Stephen R 738
Collins, Walter Paul 576
Collins, William J 212
Collinson, Joseph F 659
Collison, Rachel 467,707
Collison, Rebecca 467
Collyer, Robert D 288
Colodny, Leonard 1 654
Colson, Charles S 527
Colston.GaryC 711
Colston, M 0 741
Colvin, Ernest J 211
Combs, Joseph J 467
Comer, C Darrel 488
Comings, James 470
Comp, George F , Jr 484, 485
Compton, Bames 732, 734, 751
Compton, Calvin L 567, 600
Compton, George Wade 712
Conaway, Frank M 37, 62, 574, 665, 692
Conaway, LeRoy L 541
Conaway, Maude 273
Condon, Ruby 468
Congdon, Jeanette L 714
Conklin, Kenneth E 562, 594
Conley, Charles H, ]r 311
Conley, Mrs H L 476
Conlon, Thomas E 737
Conlon, Thomas F 545
Connell, Jerome F, Sr 24, 35, 46, 277, 287,
Connell, Joseph M 456
Connell, Norman R 519
Connelly, Cornelia 19
Connelly, J M 273
Connelly, Michael J 650
Connelly, R Terry 31, 62, 647, 679
Conner, Elizabeth M 577
Conner, Thelma 339
Connolly, Chnstopher T 654, 685
Connolly, E Frank 511
Connolly, Francis 1 514
Connolly, Grace 705,706
Connolly, Michael 205
Connolly, Thomas 504
Connor, Betty R 383
Connor, W^ham 505
Conrad, David L 503

Conroy, Edward T 22, 24, 34, 46, 564,
Conroy, James P 500
Constable, Albert 738, 741, 750
Contee, BenJamin 744,748
Contee, John 729
Contee, Thomas 723
Contee, Thomas H , Jr 441
Contic, John L 461
Conway, Edward 478
Conway, Gary L 552
Conway, George K 453
Conway, lrvin J 573
Conway, Mary Jane 454
Conway, Richard 203
Conway, Richard A 459
Conway, Robert Lee 711
Coode, John 722
Cooey, Edward 253
Cooey, Edward W 514
Cook, Edna P 563
Cook, Edward J 321
Cook, Mrs Harold T 458
Cook, Jeanne 479
Cook, L Thelma 273
Cook, Robert W 279, 303
Cook, Thomas M 129
Cooke, Edward A 594
Cooke, Gilbert D 195
Cooke, Gwendolyn 172
Cooke, Gwendolyn J 241
Cookerly, Ernest S 277, 278, 316, 383
Cooksey, Betsy A 257, 476
Cooksey, David W 477
Cooksey, Howard 118
Cooksey, Jacqueline M 466
Coolahan, John C 559, 590
Coolidge, Calvin 754
Cooney, Edward A 564, 597
Cooney, Joseph J 330
Cooper, B Stephen 493
Cooper, Gerald H 285
Cooper, Richard W 216,222
Cooper, Severn H 515
Cooper, William C 467
Coopersmith, Jack 320
Copeland, Gerrett Van S 336
Copley, Lionel 722
Coplin, Mark D 107
Copony, Edward L 516
Corbett, William Jackson 492
Corbin, Raymond Monroe 554
Corcoran, Catherine 576
Coreoran, Edward S 261
Corcoran, Robert 180
Corderman, John P 274, 349, 362, 513,
Cordery, E Costen 516
Corkran, William H, Jr 215
Corn, Rosalie W 475
Cornbluth, Marvin 173
Cornette, Dale 712
Cornish, Monroe 575,619
Cornwaleys, Thomas 721

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 882   View pdf image (33K)
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