492/Maryland Manual
Dennis McMullin 1979
Roland R. Bounds ............... .1980
Public Works Board
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
Norman E. Moxiey, Chairperson ...... .1979
Department of Public Works
(Appointed by the County Executive subject
to County Council confirmation)
George F. Neimeyer, Director ........
Bureau of Highways
Granville W. Wehiand, Chief ........
Bureau of Utilities
James L. Gleig, Chief .............
Bureau of Engineering
William 0. Filbert, Chief ...........
Bureau of Inspections and Permits
M. Robert Gemmill, Chief ..........
Electrical Board
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
John K. Ward, Chairperson ..........1979
Plumbing Advisory Board
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
Vacancy ......................
Chief Plumbing Inspector
M. L. Klappenberger .............
Recreation and Parks Board
(Appointed by the County Executive subject
to County Council confirmation)
Melvin E. Sheidt, Chairperson .........1981
Alvin L. Thompson .............. .1979
Jim Rattray .....................1980
Victor D Marone 1982
William M. Mitchell, Director ........
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
County Council .....................
Extension Agents
Robert Stansfield, Coordinator .......
William Jackson Corbett ...........
Jane Griffith . .................
L. Martin Hamilton, Jr. ...........
Hope Jackson .................. |
Linnea Kroll....................
Bonnie Reese ...................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
J. Gordon Warfield, Jr. ............ 1979
Merhie P. Pickett ................ 1980
W. Lee McFarlane ................ 1981
William P. Brendel ............... 1982
C. Winstead Burdette, District
Conservationist ..................
Robert W. Ziehm, District Manager ....
County Seat: Chestertown 21620
Origin: First referred to as a county in 1642 when
commissioners were appointed for the Isle and
County of Kent.
Name: Named for the English county of the same
Form of Government: Code Home Rule (1970)
Population, 1970:
Kent County .................... 16,146
Dist. 1, Masseys ................ .2,707
Dist. 2, Kennedyville ......,,,. 1,840
Dist. 3, Worton (Betterton) .......... 1,956
Dist. 4, Chestertown .............. 4,209
Dist 5, Edesville ..............2,889
Dist. 6, Fairlee .................. 1,352
Dist. 7, Pomona .................1,193
Estimated Population, 1979:16,900
Area: 308 sq. miles
Chestertown 21620 Telephone: 778-4600
(Circuit Court)
Telephone: 778-1830
(District Court) |