County Agencies
Board of Education
John Murphy ....................1980
Charlotte Reeder . . . .1980
Susan Buswell ...................1982
Barbara Rudlin ..................1982
Stanley Salett ....................1984
Superintendent of Schools
M. Thomas Goedeke..............
Board of Trustees, Howard Community
Alfred J. Smith, Jr„ President ........
Andrew N. Adams, Jr. 1980
Leola M. Dorsey .................1981
Celonia B. Walden ............... .1982
Charles B. Leonard, Jr. ............ .1983
Patrick O'Connor .................1983
John M. Hamilton, M.D. ........... .1984
John W. Sundstrom .............. .1985
Board of Library Trustees
Patricia Wemer .......... . .1979
Ronald Spahn ...................1980
John F. Gore ...... ,,,.1981
George S. Deeds ................. .1982
Lorn Roth .....................1982
Maxine Warfield ..................1982
Thomas R. McGowan ............. .1983
Director, Howard County Libraries
Marvin Thomas .................
Citizen Services Administrator
(Appointed by the County Executive)
Harriet L. Lancaster ..............
Human Rights Administrator
(Appointed by the County Executive)
Orient Johnson..................
Office of Consumer Affairs
James J. Jones, Consumer Affairs
Administrator........... ......
Social Services Board
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
Gail V. Smith .. . 1979
Sedonia E. White ................ .1979
Roger Carter ....................1980
Gayle F. Ulewicz .................1980
Susan Chatham ..................1981
Dr. Donald Fandetti .............. .1981
Director of Social Services
Samuel Marshall ................ |
Howard County/491
Commission on Aging
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
Florence L. Bain, Chairperson ........ 1981
Mental Health Advisory Committee
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
Myra Lapides, Chairperson .......... 1979
Community Action Council
Lawrence J. Stier, President .......... 1979
Andrew Gregg, Director ............
Human Rights Commission
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
Wardell Lindsay, Chairperson ........ 1981
Planning Board
(Appointed by the County Executive and
approved by the County Council)
J. Gordon Warfield, Jr., Chairperson . . . 1979
Anita M. Iribe . . . 1979
Angela Beltram .................. 1981
Helen Ruther . . . . . 1982
William P. Brendel . . . . 1983
Director of Planning and Zoning
(Appointed by the County Executive)
Thomas G. Harris, Jr. .............
Land Development and Zoning
John Musselman .................
Zoning Board
County Council, ex officio...........
Appeals Board (Zoning)
(Appointed by the County Council)
Linda Eagen, Chairperson ........... 1980
H. David Boyter 1982
James Haughton ................. 1981
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board
Stephen E. Alpern, Chairperson .......
Gene W. Mullinix, Vice-Chairperson ....
Nancy Shipley Moore, Secretary ......
Robert J. Gray ................
John H. Nicolai, Jr. ...............
Richard Strom, Counsel ............
Dennis A. White, Executive Secretary . . .
Historic District Commission
Richard Bright, Chairperson ......... 1979
Edward M. Risse, Vice-Chairperson . . . . 1981
Mary Ann Marina, Secretary ......... 1981 |