County Agencies
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, first
Monday in February; second Monday in Sep-
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays, 10:00 A.M.-
12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judge
George B. Rasin, Jr., Chief and Administrative
Judge .........................1993
Circuit Court Clerk
Earl H. Finder ......... 1982
District Court Judge
W. Dunbar Gould ............... .1981
James Stewart, Administrative Clerk . . .
Virginia C. Larrimore, Clerk ........
Orphans' Court Judges
B. Stephen Cooper, Chic/Judge .......1982
Edward M. Athey ............... .1982
Paul D. Bowman . . 1982
Register of Wills
Janet Lee Ashley .................1982
H. Allan Blizzard ................ .1982
Slule'i Attorney
Basil Wadkovsky .................1982
District Public Defender
John W. Sause, Jr. ...............
Board of County Commissioners
Chestertown 21620 Telephone: 778-4600
Meeting Days: Tuesdays, 9:00 A.M.
Board of County Commissioners
Wallace D. Miller, Chairperson ........1982
Julian Lee Crew ..................1982
Mary Roe Walkup ............... .1982
Kathryn N. Finder, Administrative
Assistant ......................
Janice F. Fletcher, Clerk Attorney .....
W. Roger Williams ............... .1982
Supervisor of Assessments
F. Vannort Simpers, Jr. ............ |
Kent County/493
Property Tax Assessment Appeal Board
Benjamin Durding, Chairperson ....... 1979
Edwin R. Fry ................... 1982
David C. Lane .................. 1983
James E. Robinson, alternate ........ 1983
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Julian Lee Crew ................. 1981
Franklin Dill ................... 1981
John L. Wright .................. 1981
Sam Sessa, substitute .............. 1981
Harry T. Williams, substitute ......... 1981
Director of Civil Defense
Howard S. Redman, Jr. ............
Deputy Medical Examiner
Robert W. Farr, M.D. . .
Health Officer
John A. Grant, M.D., M.P.H. ........
Mental Health Advisory Committee
John T. Diller III, Chairperson ....... 1979
Physical Fitness Commission
Ray C. Cole, Chairperson ...........
Board of Education
R. Benson DuVall, Chairperson ....... 1980
M. Margaret Dickerson, Vice-Chairperson 1980
Sandra Cochran ................. 1981
Karen Forney ................... 1984
Leona Woodall .................. 1984
Superintendent of Schools
Richard L. Holier ................
Board of Library Trustees
Mrs. William R. McAlpin, Chairperson . . 1982
ReadeW.Corr..... ..1980
James D. Davis III ............... 1980
Mrs. Franklin Hogans ............. 1981
Lanetta Parks ................... 1983
Alexander P. Rasin III............. 1983
Lorraine Fry.................... 1984
Claudia B. Sumler ................
Social Services Board
James Luff, Chairperson ............ 1979
Mary Roe Walkup, County Commissioner 1982
Jesse B. Downey ................. 1979
Ida Dutton ..................... 1979
Albert Parsons ... .....1980
Philip J, Skipp .................. 1980
Helen Wagner ................... 1980
Sarah Meredith .................. 1981
George deForest Smith . . . 1981 |